The transnational meeting between young people and decision-makers in the youth field will be held in Rome, in October 2017. It is organized by SOS EUROPA, a non-profit independent association of social promotion based in Italy (Rome), that was established to spread out the European cultural values and with the scope to improve the integration processes inside and outside Europe, favouring youths’ mobility, cultural and knowledge exchange, active citizenship, participation and networking.
YOUNG LEADERS INTERNATIONAL MEETING project identifies participation as one of the most important sectors of intervention, whose goal is involving young people in the representative democracy and in the civil society, as well as their intervention in the dialogue for policy reform. One of the main objectives of this project is to intervene on those national laws that can improve youths’ conditions.
The structured dialogue is the best means for a better cooperation in the youth field. It involves an increasing number of young people in the development of the EU policies, especially those who benefit of less opportunities. The project involves 60 participants, 48 youths (24 men and 24 women), and 12 facilitators or experts in youth policies, from 12 different countries.
The activities will be carried out using non formal methods, such as Open Space Technology (OST), Focused Conversation, Future Search Conference, and Structured Dialogue. The planning and subject of the activities are based on SALTO publications, such as “Working on Work for All” and “Inclusion through Employability”.
Youth Pass certificates will be delivered to each participant. Further 12 local events will be organized after the meeting to share and disseminate the results of the project.
Currently the project is disseminating an online questionnaire for a public consultation. Youths will be asked to answer the following two questions:
1-“what new law concerning youth policies would like to introduce in your country”?
2-“what is the existing law which you would like to change and how?”
In this way, support for policy reform will be delivered in the framework of the Education and Training 2020 cooperation.
For more information about the project please visit SOS Europa