We wanted to call it our #SecretProject, but we’re too excited to keep quiet! This week, together with our partner BISER – Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs from Gdynia, we’re filming Umbrella Interreg South Baltic project clip for the final conference. We’re visiting our partners & stakeholders and record their experiences with our project, Umbrella tools and activities. So much fun!
On 1st day we were in Elbląg to interview: Elbląski Park Technologiczny (EPT) -n Elbląg Technological Park and sow their Laboratorium Zaawansowanych Analiz Środowiskowych – Laboratory of Advanced Environmental Analyzes, that the Umbrella partners visited during their Water Management Microactivity in Feb 2020, we visited Centrum Spotkań Europejskich “Światowid” -Centre for European Meetings Światowid and talked about their FilmNet – South Baltic Film and Culture Network project and we went to see the offices of Euroregion Baltic, Umbrella Lead Partner. Realisation thanks to 2mgroup Agency.