Saldus – Stormwater recycling for fountain operation and greenery irrigation

Saldus in Latvia

A pilot project conducted in Saldus, Latvia, aims to collect surface runoff and treat it to make it usable for various municipal purposes – including watering municipal greenery and operating a public fountain currently under construction that may also be used by children as a play area. Before being collected in an underground storage tank, the stormwater is treated in multiple stages in order to purify it for these purposes: after flowing through an oil and sand separator, it is disinfected using UV light and conducted through a water treatment system (chlorination).

Moreover, educational elements will be furnished at the public fountain on Kalpak Square, which is to be supplied with this water. These are intended to inform people about the consequences of climate change and the need for new water management.

  • Location: Saldus (Latvia)
  • Water source: Underground storage of stormwater
  • Type of treatment: Oil and sand separator, disinfection by treatment with UV light, chlorination
  • Target water quality: Water class A/B (EU Regulation 2020/741)
  • Utilisation: Public fountain, watering municipal greenery
  • Return to natural cycle: Discharge into the sewage system
  • Responsible: Saldus Municipality
  • Open for visitors: September 2025

Contacts for further information:

Eva Jekobsone+371 2026 7729

Jānis Blūms+371 2955 1442

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The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.