We also have recorded the Questions and answers question for you, so if you are curious to know more about the Baltic Sea Cooperation related to EUSBSR, SDGs and EU Green Deal, do not miss it.
Our experts will answer the following questions:
Is the EUSBSR action plan updated from time to time? How often? And how does the negotiation work? Can local actors contribute to it? How?
Our expert: Anders Bergström, EUSBSR Policy Area Education Coordinator
Who’s in charge of monitoring the
SDGs achievements in each country of the Baltic Sea States?
Our expert: Olga Zuin, Programme Coordinator of the CBSS Baltic 2030 Unit
How do you think the situation in
the tourism sector will change after Covid in the Baltic Sea Region, e.g. how
the pandemic affected the way of travelling if there will be any incentives to
prefer “green transports.
Our expert: Andrea Krabbe, EUSBSR Policy Area Tourism Coordinator
How to
find partners for cooperation activities/ international projects?
How the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region relates to
the EU Green Deal?
Our expert: Marta Czarnecka-Gallas, Umbrella 2.0 Project Partner, BSSSC
What are the funding possibilities available at the moment for the Baltic Sea stakeholders when starting international cooperation?
Our expert: Marko Paunovic, Umbrella 2.0 Project Partner, UBC
Guldborgsund Municipality, together with UMBRELLA Interreg South Baltic project partners is pleased to invite you to attend the 2-day cross-border conference with EUSBSR Tourism PA panel in Sakskøbing (DENMARK) on 25th – 26TH February 2020 (from lunch-to-lunch).
The objective of the cross-border conference is to bring various tourism stakeholders that show a common interest in international cooperation in the region of the Baltic Sea together. The conference offers an excellent opportunity to learn about future trends concerning the on-going discussions on sustainable tourism in the South Baltic Sea, extending your international network, and get inspiration for future international cooperation and projects.
Preliminary Programme
Tuesday 25th February 2020 (12:00-17:00 & dinner)
Presentations and debate about future trends of sustainable tourism and the objectives in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy.
Wednesday 26th February 2020 (9:00-13:00)
Parallel workshops in the areas of:
· Cultural / Heritage Tourism
· Nature / Coastal Tourism
· Food / Gastro Tourism
· Specialised „Microactivity on cycling tourism” – The UMBRELLA project offers an opportunity for experts related to cycling tourism to develop ideas into potential projects. Please let us know specifically if you want to give a presentation about your project idea.
Conference participation is free of charge but there is a limited number of seats. Presentations will be held in English.
The venue:
The conference is taking place at Hotel Saxkjøbing in the beautiful old town of Sakskøbing in Guldborgsund Municipality. There is easy access from Copenhagen airport by car or train taking approximately 2 hours or from Germany by ferry from Puttgarden or Rostock.
For international participants, the Umbrella project offers a possibility of funding opportunities towards travelling and accommodation expenses.
Hotel Saxkjøbing // Torvet 9, 4990 Sakskøbing, Denmark // https://hotel-saxkjobing.dk/ There is a limited number of rooms at a reduced conference price of 655 DKK for standard rooms and 855 DKK for standard plus rooms. Please contact Anna Topp Gustavsen: atg@guldborgsund.dk.
The UMBRELLA project:
The event is funded by Interreg SBP Umbrella project with project partners from the South Baltic region. Read about UMBRELLA // http://umbrellaproject.eu/
For further information, please contact:
Anna Topp Gustavsen, International Coordinator, Tlf. +45 2518 0030, atg@guldborgsund.dk
On 2nd and 3rd December 2019, our Europe for Citizens project partners travelled to Gdansk, Poland, to visit us and engage in a conversation centring around the theme of Solidarity.
What is the Connect Europe project about? This project aims to connect citizens and civil society representatives with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The European values are threatened with increased populism and nationalism around Europe. We want to raise awareness about the EU charter and discuss our fundamental rights as citizens of the EU. It is essential for all the partners in this project to counter these right-wing movements and instead promote a visionary and factual based discussion. In this project, we aim to take a different approach when it comes to communicating EU issues. Our strategic point of departure is starting a conversation about the common, cross-border challenges that will create a fora where common solutions can be discussed in a constructive manner. The topic of a common future is the starting point for citizens-to-citizens dialogue. This will move the discussion from a pro- or against the EU towards a more visionary, value- and fact-based discussion.
In a tour of the city we learned of the hardships, battles and historical events that had taken place in this war-tormemded city – historically a place for outside forces to claim with little disregard for the existing population. But also, a city that should come to play a profound role in the healing of Europe and fall of the communist regime.
The key to this story we found at the old shipyard. Today a peaceful sight and build in its place, the European Solidarity Center, a museum, but in earlier days a centre of deadly worker struggles, a fight for justice and – in the end – the birthplace of free trade unions in Poland. Sparks may have flown here but as it turned out, the same sparks that sprung from the suffering of suppressed workers lighted the fire of democracy and foresaw the end of communism.
The European charter for fundamental rights has a chapter especially suited to converse about in this historical place, Chapter IV, Solidarity and especially Article 28:
Article 28
Right of collective bargaining and action Workers and employers, or their respective organisations, have, in accordance with Community law and national laws and practices, the right to negotiate and conclude collective agreements at the appropriate levels and, in cases of conflicts of interest, to take collective action to defend their interests, including strike action.
Solidarity was also the name of the first free trade union in Polen, Solidarność, who’s leader, Lech Wałęsa, was later elected for president and awarded the Nobel Peace Price. But in the beginning, it was a social movement that trough civil resistance worked to ensure social change and workers rights.
A place for solidarity
European solidarity centre today houses the story of the struggles of Solidarność and the Polish struggle for democracy. This special day it also housed us, a school class of youngster who was to learn about the story as well as debating amongst themself what the idea of solidarity meant for them.
When asked to reflect upon the meaning of solidarity the students came up with many responses – it’s about teamwork, coming together, acceptance. But also, it is about power and action. The power of the many was not lost on the youth who was inspired by the stories of the past.
As Jacek Koltan, deputy director of European Solidarity Center puts it, one of the most important demands today is the need for physical spaces where we can create a sense of community and debates the struggles of today. The issues we face, such as climate changes and social division, is those of great complexity that we need to come together around if we are to find sustainable solutions.
Perhaps that is also what we need today. New spaces to reflect on our shared interest. Together we stand, divided we fall.
On 11th December we have participated in the Workshop on future Pomeranian initiatives in the Interreg South Baltic 2020+ Programme organized by the Pomorskie Region contact point and Joint Secretariat.
The workshop was an opportunity to discuss the needs of beneficiaries that can be implemented in the future South Baltic 2020+ program, and their readiness to engage in new EU projects. We also had a chance to present complete UMBRELLA project offer and invite the interested stakeholders and newcomers to reach us and use our project offer.
The workshops were conducted modularly, i.e. a plenary session and a workshop part led by experienced experts. It was also an opportunity to exchange experiences and share your own thoughts on the shape of the future program, improvements in the implementation system and the scope of future projects.
We are happy to report that one of our ERB projects, where we act as a Partner – Interconnect was mentioned a few times as the “best practice” example. The #Interconnect project was noted by the moderator, Mr Adam Mikłajczyk from Pomorskie Marshal Office as an extremely creative example of a project, where intelligent use of the Interreg South Baltic Programme funds supports the implementation of the project’s main assumptions.
For more information on workshops and the presentations from the South Baltic Programme, visit ewt.pomorskie.eu
Program of the meeting
08:00 – 08:30
Registration of meeting participants/coffee break
08:30 – 09:15
Opening of the event – Adam Mikołajczyk Director of DRRP UMWP
Summary of the Interreg South Baltic Program 2014-2020 – Dominika Butkiewicz Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat
Presentation of Umbrella project results – Magda Leszczyna – Rzucidło Head of the Euroregion Baltic Secretariat
In the Umbrella project framework, we organized this month another seminars and training on project management. The meetings on 28th Nov in Gdansk, 5th Dec in Kalmar, Sweden and on 10th Dec in Klaipeda, Lithuania.
You can still register for the meetings we will have in January and February 2020, they are all for free, but we have a limited number of places. Register using this link: https://bit.ly/2IuFu7B
Agenda for the training on BASIC/ELEMENTARY level:
Welcome and introduction to the UMBRELLA Project Management Framework – fundamental concepts
UMBRELLA Framework vs. Project Life-Cycle
Analysing needs
Generating Ideas
Estimating Long-Term Effects
Problem and Objectives Tree Analysis
Reviewing Available Funding Programmes
Initiating a Project
How Detailed is the High-Level Planning
Identifying Project Partners
Developing a project logical framework
Work Breakdown Structure
Main planning tools
Risk Management
Project Closure
Sharing the results
New project ideas
Submitting the project application
Developing the project logical framework
Join us for the Umbrella project management training in Telsiai on 22nd November 2019.
You can register to his training, as well as all the others (in Lithuania, Sweden, Poland and Denmark) using this registration link: https://bit.ly/2IuFu7B
You can choose the training on the following dates and cities:
21/10: National training in Kristianstad (SE)- Basic
28/10: National training in Chojnice (PL)- Basic
28/11: National training in Gdansk (PL)- Advanced
22/11: National training in Telsiai (LT)- Basic
04/12: National training in Ringsted (DK)- Basic
05/12: National training in Kalmar (SE)- Basic
10/12: National training in Klaipeda (LT)- Advanced
10/01: National training in Alvesta (SE)- Advanced
24/01: National training in Elbląg (PL)- Basic
28/01: National training in Nida (LT)- Basic
20/02: National training in Roskilde (DK)- Basic
All the material for the training are available on our Moodle platform here: https://umbrellainterreg.moodle.school/login/index.php
Simply register and use them for free!
Thank you one more time for participating in our UMBRELLA project Cross-border Conference with PA panel “Future trends in ENERGY and ELECTROMOBILITY in the South Baltic Region” on 25th Oct.
We had almost 50 experts from 6 BSR countries: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. We are happy to share all the presentations for the event, including the contact details for the speakers. Soon we will share a short report from the electromobility micro activity on our website- www.umbrellaproject.eu and our social media –https://www.facebook.com/Umbrella.Interreg/
If you are interested in how can we help to improve your transnational activities within the UMBRELLA Interreg South Baltic project framework, please let us know!
Sign up to take part in free of charge trainings organized by the UMBRELLA project partners in Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and Denmark. They will be held in national languages.
Decide whether you would like to participate in a beginner or advanced course, or both.
You can choose the training on the following dates and cities:
21/10: National training in Kristianstad (SE)- Basic
28/10: National training in Chojnice (PL)- Basic
28/11: National training in Gdansk (PL)- Advanced
22/11: National training in Telsiai (LT)- Basic
04/12: National training in Ringsted (DK)- Basic
05/12: National training in Kalmar (SE)- Basic
10/12: National training in Klaipeda (LT)- Advanced
10/01: National training in Alvesta (SE)- Advanced
a workshop to introduce the work of EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (and MRS) and participation in the Strategy will be organised on 4th November 2019 in Hässleholm.
Feel free to spread this information in your networks and register for the event.
Our Umbrella is co-organizing the event and we will be presenting our support possibilities.
Workshop: Att lyckas med samarbete med länder i Östersjöregionen
From 04/11/2019 00:00 to 05/11/2019 00:00
Norra Station – Norra stationsgatan 6A, Hässleholm
Välkommen till workshop: Att lyckas med samarbete med länder i Östersjöregionen
Dag: 4 november 2019
Tid: 9.00–16.00
Plats: Norra Station, Norra stationsgatan 6A, Hässleholm
Globaliseringens utmaningar känner inga gränser. Allt oftare framstår samarbete med andra länder som mer effektivt och ibland helt nödvändigt.
Tillväxtverket, Svenska institutet, Svenska ESF-rådet, Universitets- och Högskolerådet samt Föreningen Norden har utvecklat regionala workshoppar för att introducera arbetet inom EU:s strategi för Östersjöregionen.
Bland deltagarna finns myndigheter, näringslivet och civilsamhället – lokalt, regionalt och nationellt samt på EU nivå. Vi vänder oss till ett brett spektrum av aktörer som ofta har ansvar för utvecklingsarbete i sina organisationer, förvaltningschefer, utvecklingsansvariga, näringslivschefer och aktörer inom civilsamhället.
Workshoppens syfte är att visa hur EU:s makroregionala strategi konkret kan användas som en ny samarbetsform. Under workshopen får deltagarna kunskap om hur aktörer på alla samhällsnivåer kan samarbeta inom strategins ram för att hitta lösningar på aktuella samhällsutmaningar.
Vi kommer också att diskutera olika finansieringsmöjligheter för denna form för transnationellt samarbete.
Workshoppen är en del av arrangemanget “Två dagar för europeiskt samarbete”, som bl.a. regionerna Blekinge, Skåne, Kronoberg och Kalmar län står bakom och som äger rum 4 och 5 november. Vi bifogar information om hela arrangemanget och fördjupad information om vår workshop. Hör av dig om du vill ha mer information om aktiviteterna på kvällen den 4 november och den 5 november.
The XV UBC General Conference “Building an inclusive and resident-focused city. The Baltic way” hosted over 250 participants from all Baltic Sea Countries. The UBC Youth Conference was held parallel to the General Conference, with around 70 participants from the Baltic Sea Region.
Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the International permanent Secretariat moderated one of the workshops: The value of the citizens‘ participation for cities governance co-organized by the Interreg BSR “EmPaci” project, Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs from Gdynia and Klaipeda University.
The goal of the workshop was to focus and to become a trigger for discussions and debates around capacity challenges to citizens’ participation in public policymaking in the countries of the Baltic Sea region and legitimation of participatory budgeting, citizens’ co-production of the public services in the cities and concrete remedies for those challenges. The workshop gathered over 30 participants representing cities and municipalities for all around the Baltic Sea Region.
The General Conference is the highest authority of the Union and has the power to make decisions concerning any activities of the Union, e.g. electing the Presidium consisting of the President and three Vice-Presidents of the Union for a two year period, as well as electing the Executive Board for a two year period. In addition, a number of plenary sessions and back-to-back meetings are organized during the conference.
As in previous years, a Youth Conference will also were included, and the Baltic Sea youth will actively participated in all conference programme.