
Baltic Sea Youth Platform report 2021

Baltic Sea Youth Platform is an Erasmus+ Programme project aiming at empowering youth and fostering actual participation in decisions and policy-making in the Baltic Sea Region. It started on February 1st 2020 and was prolonged from August 2022 until December 2022. Despite many difficulties and inconveniences caused by the pandemic, the project partnership supported and got involved in many significant youth-oriented initiatives throughout the past year, thus promoting the idea of BSYP.

In 2021 project partners meetings were held online every two weeks, which contributed to building strong engagement and developing new initiatives and great ideas for further cooperation.

On March 1st, BSYP conducted the Youth Forum within the 2nd EU Macro Regional Strategies week hosted by DG REGIO. Julia Orluk, ERB’s Youth Board former Chairwoman, who’s been engaged in the BSYP project from its’ very beginning, was among the panellists of the bottom-up session to empower the participation of Youth and Civil Society Organisations in MRS.

In March 2021, the First Interim Report for the Baltic Sea Youth Platform Erasmus+ project was submitted and approved by the Swedish Agency.

In April, the BSYP project participated in two youth-oriented events:  BSSSC Youth Network on April 14th and Digital Youth Workshop on Green and Social entrepreneurship co-organized with Youth4Nature.

May 2021 was another busy month for BSYP. On May 6th BSYP became a part of a youth panel during a CBSS trafficking conference focusing on human trafficking during the digital era. The meeting was co-organized by TH-TFB and the CAR unit of the CBSS. Next, on 12th – 14th May, the CBSS Ministerial Youth Edition was held, where again BSYP was very active. During the event, young people from the Baltic Sea region came up with great ideas that evaluated the CBSS Vision Statement Beyond 2030, presented to the Foreign Ministers at the CBSS Ministerial on June 1st.

Finally, between 28th and 29th May, BSYP joined the BSSSC Youth Spring Event, where modern democracy, Baltic sustainability and entrepreneurship were discussed with experts from EU Parliament.

On June 22nd, all BSYP project partners and associated partners joined Partnership Day to work on the platform vision with ACTER experts. Project partners discussed further steps regarding virtual platform development, toolkits and guidelines issues within Baltic Sea Youth Power Box, policy recommendations, youth input to the Baltic Sea Cultural Cities and other matters connected to the external report.

August 2021 was also filled with extraordinary events dedicated to Youth, and the BSYP project was proud to be a part of them. Starting up with 41st Hanseatic Days days on 19th -21st August, a hybrid event taking place in Riga and online. Among others, the program included the “Youth Hanza” event, which was a virtual meeting of young people from member cities, during which issues of current issues in the region such as the climate and environment, the participation of young people in these processes, as well as the history and traditions of Hanseatic cities were discussed interactively.

On 28th – 31st August, BSYP joined the ReGeneration Week 2021 – a hybrid event, where people participated physically on the Åland Islands and through the streaming tool Coeo. The ReGeneration Week provided an international meeting place for intergenerational dialogues for a sustainable system change. The theme for the ReGeneration Week 2021 was “ReThinking The System”, which highlights the need for a sustainable recovery after the pandemic. ReGeneration Week 2021 offered interactive lectures and workshops, intergenerational dialogues and provided tools to contribute to a more sustainable life in connection to the five different domains in Anatomy of Action.

On August 29th, the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)/Baltic Sea Youth Platform, together with the Swedish delegation to the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, organized the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Youth Forum to promote dialogue between young people of the region and policymakers.

The Forum gathered young people and members of parliament from the Baltic Sea Region who discussed how to secure a democratically and environmentally sustainable future. It provided an opportunity for young people to give input to policymakers on the issues at hand and gain insight into international parliamentary cooperation.

Furthermore, BSYP was an active participant at the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2021. On September 30th, CBSS organized a panel discussion on Empowering Youth for Green Entrepreneurship, which became a platform for young entrepreneurs from across the BSR to share their insights on how to start a green business and provide their experience regarding existing obstacles and barriers for receiving funding and building a business model. The panel also gave the floor to representatives of financial institutions and programmes. The participants also had an opportunity to discuss how to improve the status quo regarding financial mechanisms and accessibility and provide a more supportive environment for young people to start their businesses in the BSR. The last day of the Forum was entirely dedicated to youth issues. Participants joined a plenary session on Youth’s involvement but also heard more about Klaipėda as the European Youth Capital 2021, the role of Youth in implementing ambitious green agenda of the EU, the presentation of Lithuanian Sea Museum, creative workshop on SDGs, presentations of sustainable solutions of businesses and many more.

In October, CBSS announced a call for the Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue 2021: Looking forward, looking back – 30 Years of Collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region. The dialogue, held between 4th-28th November, consisted of three lectures on the following topics: Safe & Secure Region, Sustainable & Prosperous Region and Regional Identity. All participants of the lectures had an exciting opportunity to dialogue with experts from the region. The discussion was followed by two activities: a cross country assignment and a learning diary. Each activity’s best creative entries were later awarded during the online ceremony on December 11th 2021.

On November 1st, the Baltic Sea Youth Platform partnership announced the recruitment for the Baltic Sea Talent Pool. Young people (18-30 years old) eager to be active in shaping policies within the region could apply to join one of the working groups: advocacy – responsible for writing policy recommendations and taking part in the events,  culture – implementing local actions and being part of the development of the Baltic Sea Cultural Cities and Regions Project Or to become a part of BSYP taskforce for child protection policies.

On November 23rd, CBSS presented the BSYP during the “Connecting minds across the ages” side event at the NDPHS Partnership Annual Conference.

Finally, on 25th and 26th November, the BSYP project partners met physically in Stockholm for the first time after nearly 20 months. At the two day meeting, organized in the premises of CBSS, representatives from Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany and Poland, including many youth representatives, had an opportunity to discuss the current status of the Project, partner contribution, funding options, add-ons to be created, development of intellectual outputs within Project as well as Strategy, Vision and Partnership beyond 2022. The second day of the meeting was filled with some great workshops within the Baltic Sea Belongs to Kids project and very fruitful discussions among members of BSYP Working Groups.

  • BSYP Vision Beyond 2022

As a follow-up of the youth involvement in the first CBSS Committee of Senior Officials meeting in mid-September, BSYP was asked to provide a first draft of a vision for the BSYP after the project ended. The document is an internal document of the CBSS to continue the discussions on the institutionalization of the BSYP. It was meant to start a debate amongst the CBSS Member States on how financial support of the BSYP could look like after the Erasmus+ Project ends. On November 23rd, the CSO met and discussed the BSYP Vision Beyond 2022 proposal and how to move on with the BSYP.

Euroregion Baltic, Baltic Sea Culture Institute in Gdansk, Kaliningrad team of activists and Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre ENUT, under the project leadership of Intercult Productions from Sweden, have just kicked off a BSR project aiming at empowering representatives of most vulnerable groups, especially women, in the ever digitalising times of pandemia and post-pandemic.

Together, we – women experts and participants –  want to build a feeling of identity, belonging, continuity and agency. We are reaching out to women artists, activists and creatives who may feel isolated, depressed and at a loss as the result of COVID-19 restrictions and the world moving more and more towards digital relations. Using tools of culture and traditional cultural activities we plan to bring traditions and demands of current times together. 

Basing on the intangible cultural heritage of the BSR and its localities such as embroidery, weaving, herb gathering, cooking close to nature, singing or producing music, we want to create bonds and exchanges both in physical and virtual reality. As the result of local real-life workshops and online exchanges and meeting, we will produce a tool kit as guidance for further use which will base on the joint pool of experience and a special survey. In our work, we will use a circular approach promoting the EU Green Deal, EUSBSR and Sustainable Development Goals.

The ultimate goal is to create a stronger, healthier and more resilient society with everybody on board, as well as a more friendly physical and digital space.

Creative Waves project partner meeting

Creative Waves – Women Sisterhood for Change project – updates Dec 2021

Empowering women in the Baltic Sea Region by meeting traditional crafts, local traditions and customs etc with the digital modern world and its demands for change is our goal.  Women active in knitting, weaving, storytelling, herb gathering or traditional cooking gather online with creative and digital women experts to get more confidence, show their achievements and learn about the digital world and tools to help them function in the COVID times and beyond. They also meet at international events (online and in flesh) to exchange experience, learn, even more, look together for Baltic traditions and identity. Hopefully in arranging the events while implementing the project its partners will bring together more experienced women and the youth as well as migrant women – to enrich the exchange and help participants be more rooted, open and self-assured. The project is also to help learn about and implement EU key policies like EU Green Deal, European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The project partners under the leadership of Intercult Productions in Stockholm are: Baltic Sea Culture Centre in Gdańsk, Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre (ENUT) and a team of women activists from Kaliningrad Oblast. The project lasting from September 2021 to September 2022 is co-finessed by the Council of the Baltic Sea States Small Project Facility 

General information about the Call and CBSS Funding Instrument:

The 2021 CBSS PSF call focused on innovative solutions for strengthening resilience and inclusiveness in the BSR during a period of crisis.

The CBSS was looking for:

  • Innovative projects promoting the development of inclusive programmes designed to support groups particularly vulnerable to the pandemic and its effects, in order to offer them alternatives and strengthen their exit pathways from the crisis. 
  • Innovative projects that assess the impact of the crisis on domestic violence or develop strategies, tools and collaboration to build stronger, more accessible, inclusive and sustainable systems for child protection.
  • Innovative projects build on analysis of crisis impacts on societies and economies, which aim at proposing strengthening of societal resilience in a future, especially taking into account cross-sectoral character of problems and solutions (ex. culture in time of crisis and as a tool to build resilience and help societal and economic recovery, youth as vulnerable group in time of crisis and as a group able to develop innovative recovery strategies and projects).

About the selection

By the deadline 31st of March 2021, the CBSS Secretariat had received 55 submitted PSF applications.

The type of partners in this year’s call have been diverse, varying from NGOs and research centers to public institutions and universities.   

The projects have been selected to reflect the selection criteria in the PSF manual, as well as the wording in the PSF 2021 call. The projects selected:  

  • Present a direct relevance to at least one of the three CBSS long-term priorities, 
  • Align with the selected PSF call 2021 subject, Innovative solutions for strengthening resilience by promoting inclusiveness and protection of most vulnerable societal groups in the BSR during a period of crisis 
  • Provide substantial added value for the Baltic Sea Region cooperation,  
  • Display quality and a sustainable character, 
  • Involve relevant partnership constellations, where partners are well established and includes at least three CBSS Member States. 

  • List of the selected projects:

Do you want to learn about and practice collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region? Let’s get together, get to know people from abroad and discuss what has happened with experts from the field. Even better – work on what has happened and can happen together with your peers!

The CBSS is calling 18–25-year-olds from around the region (citizens or residents from member and observer states) to join the Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue 2021: Looking forward, looking back – 30 Years of Collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region. The dialogue will consist of three lectures with the exciting opportunity to be in dialogue with experts from the region, and the following activity:

  • Cross-country assignment (group entry based on one of the lectures):
    Get together with three other young people from the region, meet, discuss, create and have fun together with the chance of winning a great prize; Only 36 places are available and an application is required!
  • Learning diary (individual entry based on an aspect from one of the lectures). As 15-25-year-olds, you can follow the streamed lectures and send in your thoughts for the chance of winning a great prize.

Make sure to read through both the terms of participation and the competition rules for both activities.TERMS OF PARTICIPATIONRULES OF CROSS-COUNTRY ASSIGNMENTRULES OF LEARNING DIARY

Apply by 24 October!APPLY HERE!

Applications, participation and creative entries are encouraged and there will be prizes for the three best groups (one in each category), and the three best individual entries. The finalists will be selected by a renowned jury and awarded during the online ceremony on 11th December 2021. The deadline for submission is Sunday, 28th November 2021.

Submissions: competition@bsyp.eu

On 17th Oct 2020 Baltic Sea Youth representatives gathered for the whole afternoon for the virtual Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2.0. Their goal was to get together to contribute meaningfully to the future of the Baltic Sea Region. This was set out in the Baltic Sea Youth Declaration, put together by the young participants at the camp.

The Declaration was presented to the Baltic Sea Region policy and decision-makers at the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Annual Forum on 20th Oct 2020, to be taken into account by each of the Policy Areas of the EUSBSR. Read the full document below.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, almost all countries have got decisions cancellation of travels and all kind of meetings, which also affected the BSLF Round Table event planned to be held in St. Petersburg 26-27 of March. Please, be informed that both the BSLF Round Table and the Conference were postponed and we met on 15th June 2020 online to discuss the latest BSLF developments. Ms Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the ERB IPS, took part in the meeting on behalf of the Euroregion Baltic.

The Annual Meeting of the CBSS Coordination Group on Labour and Employment dedicated to the reporting on the progress of the ESF funded Project “BSLF for Sustainable Working Life (SWL)”

Baltic Sea Labour Forum coordination group members (Labour Ministry, employer/employee & trade org representatives) met today to discuss COVID-19 impact on the #labour market & the progress of the “Sustainable Working Life” project. More about the project

15th of June 2020, 13.00 – 15.00
Welcome words and introduction Daria Akhutina, CBSS, Head of Priority Area

Tour de table

Participants are invited to brief on current developments in the field of labour and employment in their countries/organisations (5-7 min each)

  • Ministries’ representatives
  • BSLF’ representatives (employer’ organisations and trade unions)
  • Strategic partners: NFS/BASTUN, BSPC, EUSBSR PA Education, NDPHS
    Report from the SWL Project’ team Josefina Halme, Project manager
    Sonia Buchholtz, TWG (1) leader
    Reetta Maria Raitoharju, TWG (2) leader
    Discussions on the Report and Policy briefs from the TWG’ members
    Summing up and the way forward

Please read the latest BSLF documents:

Please see below the list of the BSLF Round Table participants:

Meeting 15th of June, 13.00 – 15.00 CET


Daria Akhutina

Josefina Halme

BSLF’ founder

Franz Thoennes

Ministry, Finland

Lippe Koivuneva 

Ministry, Lithuania  

 Inga Liubertė       

Ministry, Poland           

Konrad Karolak

Konstancja Piątkowska
Anna Pamerska

Ministry, Russia

Olga Korchemkina

Alexander Ugolin

Janna Vorobyeva

Elsa Nahatinova

City Administration, St. Petersburg

Dmitry Cherneyko, Nikolay Rogachev

Ministry, Latvia

Imants Lipskis (TBC)

Ministry, Sweden

Inger Wijkström (TBC)

Confederation of Employers, Denmark

Christiane Miβlbeck-Winberg

Polish Confederation of employers Lewiatan

Sonia Buchholtz

Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

Maria Grinnik

Natalia Klimova

Nikolay Blokhin

 Trade Unions, KTR, Russia

  Igor Kovalchuk

Trade Unions DGB, Germany

Uwe Polkaehn

Siglinde Hessler

Employer Organisation NORDMETALL, Germany

Hans Manzke

RSPP, Employer confederation Russia

Natalia Hoffmann

NFS/BASTUN Secretariat

Magnus Gissler

Jenny Tabermann

Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC)

Pyry Niemi

Bodo Bahr

EUSBSR, Policy Area Education

Anders Bergstrom

Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being

Silvija Geistarte

 Euroregion Baltic, Secretariat

 Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło

European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Jader Cané (TBC)

Trade unions, Belarus

Siarhei Antusevich

We start tomorrow at 15.30 CET. Please create your


We’re happy to announce that tomorrow at 15.30 CET we start the Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2020, digital edition.

We kindly ask you to register at your earliest convenience so that we do not experience any delays during the event.

After your registration you will receive 2 reminder emails from HOPIN – one email 24 hours and one email 1 hour before the event begins. This is unfortunately not something we can turn off.

On the day of the event, please just go to: https://hopin.to/events/baltic-sea-youth-camp-2020-digital-edition where you will enter our reception and wait until the event starts.

There are many breaks for you to recharge your batteries, but please attend and be active in all the plenaries and one workshop per session to get the most out of the Baltic Sea Youth Camp.

We will provide Certificates of Attendance after the event.

Clarification of platform concepts

•                          Reception – waiting area before the event. Nothing happens here.

•                          Stage – is the big stage, where we broadcast presentations and have plenary sessions. Here you can only listen & watch. You can comment and ask questions using the chat function.

•                          Networking – an area where short ONE-on-ONE meetings takes place to get to know each other. Use coffee and lunchbreaks to meet other participants.

•                          Sessions – are used for the smaller workshops with a maximum of 20 participants (sharing audio and video) and 100 participants who can listen and watch.

FYI: Only some plenary sessions will be recorded, you are encouraged to actively participate with your audio and video in the workshops and you can be sure these sessions won’t be recorded.

You can find an updated program on our website, visit: https://www.balticyouthcamp.org to check it.

Apart from the sessions we want you to get in touch with Baltic Sea food culture, therefore we have prepared a recipe booklet, please feel free to check it out and choose your favorite recipe for the weekend and buy the ingredients to get the full Baltic Sea experience.

We would also like to let you know that there will be a movie night on Friday starting at 20:00, the Nordic Pulse Documentary will be screened and you get the chance to ask questions from two of the protagonists from the Baltic Sea Youth Philharmonic.

If you still have some friends who would like to join the event, please let them know to get in touch with us, through sending a mail to: info@bsryc.eu

We are also happy to answer any of your questions.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all on Friday and Saturday.

Kind regards

BSYC team

3…2…1…#BSSSCSpringYouthEvent digital edition starts today with the discussions on Green Deal to Fight Climate Crisis in Corona Times. ?
?Get inspired by Kamil Wyszkowski from Global Compact Network Poland; Katarzyna Bałucka – Dębska from European Commission; Marcin Gerwin from @Uniwersytet Gdański and Marta Wróblewska – Youth Climate Strike.

Want to know more about the BSSSC Sporing Youth Event supported by the Euroregion Baltic and Union of the Baltic Cities?

In these difficult times of COVID-19 pandemic, which has already changed our lives and mindsets, we believe that maintaining communication is even more important than before. We, in the Baltic Sea Region, want to speak across generations on the most important issues. On our fears and ambitions, on the problems we face and the solutions that can be undertaken.

Therefore, on behalf of the Baltic Sea States Sub-regional Cooperation, Mieczyslaw Struk – Pomorskie Region Marshal and the BSSSC Chairman, together with the Union of the Baltic Cities, Euroregion Baltic, Pomorskie youth and climate activists invite you to the very first online BSSSC Spring Youth Event to take place on June 2nd-5th 2020.

We already know that the Corona crisis is with us for longer and influences a lot of aspects of our lives. It affects, among others, the ambitions we have had to make our planet clean and safe, and the society caring and prosperous. So we want to discuss what will be the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on:

  • the climate crisis;
  • digital world;
  • education;
  • modern democracy.

There are lots of challenges around us, which we can try to face together! We believe that we all need to think about how to critically react to information flow selecting facts from fakes and getting to know the whole picture. And how every one of us can contribute to a better life.

Working together and across the Baltic Sea, we can be more effective. Our voice will be much stronger, so decision-makers will have to listen. It will be important to take your voice to the EUSBSR AF in Turku, the Conference on the Future of Europe launched by the European Commission and other fora dealing with the state of our Earth and condition of our lives. Acting in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals we have to find solutions.

Let’s do this together!


Date: 2nd – 5th of June 2020

Online sessions on ZOOM

  • Please join ZOOM via link before 15:00 PM

June 2nd, 15:00 -18:00 CET

  1. Welcome and opening of the BSSSC Spring Youth Event 2020 meeting – Mr. Mieczysław Struk, BSSSC Chairman
  2.  General introduction to the idea of the BSSSC Spring Youth Event 2020 meeting
  3.  Expert debate/Introduction to the thematic area Green Deal to Fight Climate Crisis in Corona Times
  • Mr Kamil Wyszkowski – Global Compact Network Poland
  • Ms Katarzyna Bałucka – Dębska – European Commission
  • Mr Marcin Gerwin – University of Gdańsk, Sopot Development Initiative
  • Ms Marta Wróblewska – Youth Climate Strike (Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia local group)
  1. Discussion
  2. Summary of day 1

June 3rd, 15:00 -17:00 CET

  1. Expert debate/ Introduction to the thematic area Digital World in Post – Corona Times
  • Ms Aleksandra Przegalińska – Skierkowska – Koźmiński University
  • Mr Timo Väliharju – The Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions
  • Mr Krzysztof Stachura – University of Gdańsk, The Foundation Center for Social Research and Analysis
  • Mr Darius Šoparas – Creative Partner
  • Mr Martin Rümmelein – former BSSSC Board Member
  1. Discussion
  2. Summary of  day 2

June 4th, 15:00 – 17:00 CET

  1. Expert debate /Introduction to the thematic area Education for the New World
  • Ms Małgorzata Bukowska – Ulatowska – Teachers Education Centre in Gdańsk
  • Mr Timo Väliharju – The Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions
  • Ms Indre Razbadauskaite – Venske – Globalkey.lt and Nepaleisk svajones
  • Mr Przemysław Staroń – psychologist,  cultural expert and teacher
  1. Discussion
  2. Summary of day 3

June 5th, 15:00 – 18:00 CET

  1. Expert debate/ Introduction to the thematic area Democracy in the Post – Corona World
  • Mr Marius Ulozas – Institute for Policy Research and Analysis
  • Mr Wietse Van Ransbeeck – CitizenLab
  • Mr Dominik Ringler – Children and Youth Participation in Brandenburg
  • Ms Ewelina Górecka – the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation
  • Ms Daniela Vanić – Democracy International
  1. Discussion
  2. Introduction of the BSYP project
  • Ms Kaarina Williams – Council of  the Baltic Sea States
  • Ms Aline Mayr – Council of Baltic the Sea States
  1. Presentation of the results to the politicians/decision – makers, debate and summing up
  2. End of the BSSSC Spring Youth Event 2020 meeting

Download Programme as PDF

Questions and practical information

To register to the event, please visit https://bsssc-registration.pomorskie.eu

  • Make sure you send us the motivation letter (not too long! max 1 page A4 format:-)) – tell us what drives your activities in the BSR. Add graphics, a collage, a film, or a photo if you wish – be creative!

Follow the instructions in the registration form. If you need more information, contact the BSSSC Secretariat: 

e-mail: bsssc@pomorskie.eu

Find us: 





BSYP aims at empowering youth and fostering real participation in decision and policy-making in the Baltic Sea Region.

The BSYP will enable youth organisations to reach their fullest potential by empowering them to develop new ideas and pursue them jointly, under the guidance of the 2030 Agenda framework.
The platform will engage youth at different levels, in the design of a common framework for action and a shared Baltic Sea Region (BSR) identity.

The aim of the partnership is, to:

  1. Improve the political impact of youth on Baltic Sea policy-making.
  2. Develop tools for better knowledge transfer.
  3. Facilitate various innovative projects relying on the interests and capacities of youth in a broad range of policy areas.

What will be done?

The BSYP will produce several Intellectual Outputs usable for youth organisations and policy-makers in the BSR and other macroregions to promote the region and its identity.
The main output will be a virtual platform for youth, organisations and decision-makers for projects and to interact with each other. The platform will be built according to the needs of the young people in the region and the demands from policy-makers. The platform enables youth to interact, cooperate and communicate across borders and to virtually meet peers and decision-makers in a safe and productive environment.
The BSYD will also produce a Baltic Sea Youth Power Box, with toolkits and guidelines for intergenerational dialogue, policy-making, youth engagement and advocacy especially tailored for youth in the region, but with possible transferability to other regions.
Furthermore, the youth platform participants will be able to engage in the production of youth inputs for the Baltic Sea Cultural Cities (BSCC) – a flagship project of the Policy Area Culture of the EU Strategy of the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).
The platform will collectively produce External Reports to show what projects have been done and how the platform was established. Furthermore, Policy Recommendations for decision-makers in the region to emphasise the political perspective of young people and to ensure their positions and rationales are delivered to those who make decisions about our future, will be produced.

How will it be done?

The Baltic Sea Youth Platform ensures that there is nothing about us, without us!

The Youth Platform will work as an umbrella coordination mechanism for several youth organisations horizontally across sectors in connection to the different policy areas and horizontal actions of the EUSBSR.
The Strategic Partners of the Erasmus+ project (KA 205) and other associated partners will meet physically and virtually several times per year to discuss the progress and further steps of the project.
There will be at least one Multiplier Event per year to inform external stakeholders about the progress of the project and showcase the Intellectual Outputs.
In addition, young people will have a safe space to come up with concrete actions and project ideas to allow for increased participation of youth in society. This will contribute to the development of sustainable policies for future generations and the creation of future experts with the cohesion and stability of our Baltic Sea Region at heart!

On the 6th and 7th of May the Baltic Sea Youth 2030 meeting took place in Gdansk.

Several Youth organizations have contributed and young people have had the opportunity to build the future plan together with experts  on youth and cooperation.

ERB was present, along with CBSS, BSSSC, ERB, Latvian Youth Council, Swedish Youth, Council, Leontief Centre, Nordisk Institute på Åland/Ålands Natur och Milljö, ReGeneration 2030, International Cooperation Burau at the Office of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship, Morena Association, as well as LSU and  LJP representatives who joined online.

It was a crucial meeting to start a more systematic process of coordination amoung youth in the Baltic Sea Regions, to share with all the participants what has been done so far and  which steps to be taken for the future.

The topics discussed focused on the practical instruments to engage young people and to improve communication between youth organizations.

Young people underlined the real need to have the opportunity to meet several times a year, in addition to online meetings, to build a strong cooperation within the Baltic Sea Regions.

The wokshop on the second day, brought some real ideas for the possibilities and applications that youth can catch in the frame of Erasmus + program. Thanks to the experts present, youth have started to draw the initial ideas that will be developed in the future.

Young people are planning to create a video and a letter for all organizations, politicians and adults who can and want to actively contribute, in order to ask their support.

Let’s make our voice heard!

Text by our IVY volunteer – Milena Pallotta

Are you currently studying political or social sciences or have recently graduated?
Or are you a member of a political party or engaged in a Baltic Sea Region organisation?
Are you interested in regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region?
Are you ready to learn and discuss interesting topics, meet new people having similar interest from the region?



Then, you should take part in the “Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue 2018”, a seminar for students and young people dealing with Baltic Sea cooperation, from many EU countries but also Iceland, Norway, Russian Federation and even USA!

Apply by 31st October HERE!

The event will take place in Oeversee (Germany) between 16th and 21st November.

For more details: BSYDcall2018updated

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.