Partner search for low carbon logistics project in South Baltic CBC Programme

The Energy Agency for South East Sweden ( Energikontor Sydost AB) is currently conducting a partner search for relevant actors and organizations in Poland and Lithuania for a South Baltic Programme project tacking the issue of low carbon logistics.

The project will focus on low carbon logistics and the idea is to improve last mile transportation of goods for example through consolidation at a distribution central. It could be public and/or private goods in a municipality or in a city. The main objective is to reduce the number of transport kilometers through less deliveries to recipients and thereby reduce CO2-emissions, congestion and enhance traffic safety in the area of delivery. Taking control over the last part of the supply chain and put demands on vehicles, route planning, renewable fuels etc. can lead to a low-carbon freight transport system. Similar Swedish projects have shown CO2-savings around 60%

The project will apply for funding from the South Baltic Programme.

Current international partners are:

  • Sweden: Energikontor Sydost AB – Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden
  • Poland: NN
  • Lithuania: NN
  • Germany: Competence Centre of Rural Mobility

The project could for example include:

  • Planning, construction and operation of a goods handling terminal
  • Community Building strategy inside municipality, transport companies of all kinds and companies in the city that depend on logistic services
  • a profound operation strategy.
  • Legal safe holistic solutions for single companies in situ
  • Traffic solutions that indeed result into reduced traffic flows and reduced emissions
  • An ICT traffic optimization concept based on real time information for significant avoidance of rides and emission reductions

The project is interested in partners that can deal with these kind of issues:

  • Legal issues: IKEM,University of Greifswald (confirmed)
  • Community Building: Research team Communication, University of Rostock (confirmed)
  • IT and Traffic Solutions: Fast information technologies (asked)
  • Vehicle and load solutions: Voith GmbH (asked)
  • Most important partners: City administrations (asked), shipping companies and local entrepreneurs

If you have any questions regarding the application or if you would like to be part of the project please contact Ms. Anna MÃ¥nsson at

For more information about this project idea please read the attached project idea description.

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.