Last week one of the ERB team members, Damian Ciachorowski participated in the European Youth Conference in Kosice organised by the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The 4-day event gathered around 150 members of the National Youth Board, the Ministries and European Commission representatives. They were deciding about the recommendations in the field of the Youth Affairs in the frame of the structured dialogue of Danish-Slovak-Maltese Trio Presidency.
It was really intensive event with a lot of different meetings, online voting, working groups ect. What is needed to be highlighted, all that event on every steps was organised by youth. – refers Damian Ciachorowski, the team member of ERB International Secretariat.
The EU Youth Conference finished with the agreement of all members on „Joint recommendation of the Structured Dialogue on Youth”. There are 16 of them in the fields from education through mobility and unemployment. You can read them on the official website of the Forum
The next meeting is going to take place in Malta next year.
Photo copyright: @euyouthconf