The closing event of the 2nd Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue took place in Olsztyn on 8th September 2015. Organised by the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Körber Foundation in cooperation with the Warmia Mazury Region and implemented by the Borussia Foundation the event continued the cooperation successfully started in Estonia and Russia in 2014. In the premises of the Centre of Regional Technology and Development in Olsztyn 50 young people from 19 countries presented the works created during one week of workshops, discussions and study visits held throughout the region of Warmia Mazury. The main theme of this year’s youth dialogue was the question of shifting identities in the time of new challanges and changes. Young people reflected on this issue by creating posters and multimedia presentations which were showcased during the final event.
Euroregion Baltic International Secretariat was asked to contribute to the programme of the Youth Dialogue by giving a presentation about the organisation. Also the ERB Youth Board contributed to the presentation with Mateusz Kryżba providing a more detailed information about youth perspective in the ERB.
Please follow this link to view the photos taken during the closing event of the 2nd Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue.