Current Projects

Euroregion Baltic operates in various of fields such us cohesion policy, maritime policy, environmental protection and transport and is widely recognised as a hub for cross-border relations, involving citizens, politicians and institutions. Currently ERB is involved in several projects, either as leading or Associated Project Partner. The Projects in which Euroregion Baltic is a major actor are:  CaSYPoT, INTERCONNECT and UMBRELLA. The three projects are funded by INTERREG South Baltic Programme and are linked with 2 of the main priorities of this Programme; Cooperation Capacity and Sustainable Transport, contributing in “unlocking the potential of Blue and Green Growth” in the South Baltic Area.

CaSYPoT is a project specifically designed for the Youth from four countries of the Baltic Sea Region: Sweden, Lithuania, Russia and Poland. Its aim is to collect information about youngsters’ lives and issues, in order to find the best solutions for them. CaSYPoT project focuses on cooperation of different actors: local and regional authorities, universities,NGOs, etc. in the field of youth questions. The main goal is to improve cross-border cooperation capacity of local ERB actors through creating joint knowledge based strategic youth policy.

The implementation of INTERCONNECT will be a breakthrough in the way of traveling-replacing car transport with modal solutions. Previous solutions in the field of public transport are not good enough for people to resign from traveling by car. There is a great demand for change in this area, and one of the most important tasks will be to educate the inhabitants of the region so that they know how to use the developed solutions. The program covers 9 million inhabitants of the Baltic Sea area, 2.5 million of whom live in the Blekinge and Pomorskie region, as well as transit passengers. The task of the project is to create a pilot program of traveling with one ticket by various means of transport in a selected region of the South Baltic.

The main objective of the UMBRELLA project is to support: small non-governmental organizations, local and regional authorities, associations, chambers of commerce, local institutions – in the development of cross-border cooperation in the South Baltic Region. At the earlier stages, the most important barriers diagnosed in the development of these organizations were: lack of trained staff, knowledge, experience, contacts, knowledge of procedures and English. Now, these deficits are causing constraints in their development and access to EU grants. UMBRELLA supports beneficiaries by offering them expert support and development of their competences so that they can more effectively use the opportunities offered by the South Baltic Region.



The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.