Polish Office of the Committee for European Integration (UKIE) has launched a special website devoted exclusively to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Pleas, go to: UKIE Website
>Baltic Sea Economic Congress has been held today, 23 September 2008 in Warsaw, POLAND by the Office of the Committee for European Integration in co-operation with the Baltic Development Forum and demosEUROPA. The event is devoted exclusively to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Please, find out more at: Congress
>One of the four roundtable seminars “How to make the Baltic Sea Region an Accessible and Attractive place” was arranged at the BSSSC Annual Conference on 18 September 2008 in Kaunas. The roundtable was organised by the European Commission DG Regional Policy as a part of the work on the EU Strategy for the Baltic […]
>The European Commission Regional Policy Directorate General has launched a new website on the upcoming EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. You will find information on the aim and objectives of the Strategy, other related EU policies, as well as on the actors in the Baltic Sea Region at the following address: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/cooperation/baltic/.
>Mr Niels Chresten Andersen was an ERB representative at the meeting of Baltic Sea Region organisations (a.o. ERB, BDF, B7 and BSSSC represented by the Danish Regions) which took place in Copenhagen with the aim of developing a joint position on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. The meeting was chaired by Mr Knud Andersen, head […]
>The Estonian non-paper on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region can now be downloaded here
>The Latvian non-paper on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is now available here
>Following the decision by the Executive Board for Euroregion Baltic to take active part in the consultation of the upcoming EU strategy for the Baltic Sea, ERB Council members (including ERB Executive Board and ERB Youth Board), ERB Secretariats and leaders of the ERB Working Groups have been asked to contribute to the drafting of […]
>Around 80 people attended the Euroregion Baltic seminar on the upcoming strategy, co-organised with the Regional Office of Pomorskie Region in Brussels. Thanks the speakers representing European Parliament, Swedish Government, DG Regio, Committee of the Regions, Baltic Development Forum, ScanBalt, Helsinki Commission and Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association. The participants had the opportunity to hear about the […]
>Region Blekinge has just developed its proposal towards an EU Startegy for the Baltic Sea. Read here its full text or go to Popular version for a summary.