In February 2008 the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions announced their position calling for the drafting of the Stategy in close cooperation with the regional and loal level and placing focus on sustainabe growth and competitiveness. To see the text, please go to SALAR Position
>Swedish gvernment has welcomed the initiatives by the European Parliament and the Council of the Baltic Sea States to work towards the development of a Baltic Sea Strategy with a view to its upcoming EU Presidency in the second half of 2009. To see the text, please go to Non-Paper
>Council of the Baltic Sea States adopted a declaration calling for the the development of the Baltic Sea Strategy. To see the text, please go to Declaration
>European Parliament adopted a resolution on a Baltic Sea Strategy for the Northern Dimension. To see the text, please go to: Resolution
>In 2005 seven members of the European Parliament: Christopher Beazley, Michael Gahler, Satu Hassi, Thomas Hedrik Ilves, Girts Valdis Krsitovskis, Henrik Lax and Alexander Stubb formed the Baltic Strategy Working Group and constructed the first contribution into the development of a European Baltic Sea Strategy. To read the paper, pleae go to: Europe’s Strategy for […]