Water Forum News

Moment Kick-Off Presentations

Here you will find the presentations delivered during the MOMENT kick-off seminar which took place on 29 – 30 October 2009 in Gdansk. The seminar also included training in administrative and financial procedures as well as group sessions.

MOMENT kicks off!

Finally, the MOMENT project, Modern Water Management in the South Baltic Sea Area, has officially started! Here are some more practical issues and important dates. The official kick off for the MOMENT project will be held in Gdansk, a preliminary date is set the 28th and 29th of October! The meeting will start and end […]

MOMENT project approved

MOMENT project has been approved for implementation under some conditions set out by the South Baltic Steering Committee. These include among others the need to limit the number of pilot actions planned within the project and will need to be tackled by September.

Modern Water Management In Practice

The Group is drafting a project to be submitted to the South Baltic Crossborder Cooperation Programme within its second call to be closed on 9th January 2009. Please, go to Project Presentation.

Water Forum Action Plan 2008

The ERB Council at its meeting in Elblag 22 February 2008 approved the Action Plan 2008 for the Water Forum, which at the same meeting became a formal working group of ERB,. It means we can continue the work from being a reference network under the Seagull II project, finalised by the end of 2007.

Successful Water Seminar

Monday 13th August 2007 the Water Forum organised a Water Seminar in Halltorps Gästgiveri on the Swedish island Öland, with the participation of around 60 representatives from the 8 member regions of Euroregion Baltic (ERB). Mr Bernt Johnsson, ERB President, and Mayor Roger Kaliff from the City of Kalmar, opened the seminar. The coordinator of […]

Coming activities

Thursday 21 June 2007 from 11:00 CET: Core Group on-line meeting (Marratech system) Friday 29 June 2007: Deadline for expression of interests to the first draft project distributed 7 June 2007 Monday 13 August 2007: Water Forum Core Group meeting and seminar in Kalmar Region, Sweden Tuesday 14 August 2007: Project partner meeting in Kalmar Region, Sweden

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.