
25 February 2009: ERB Council meeting

Around 80 participants attended the Council meeting which took place on 25 February in Ryn, Poland, including ERB Council members, secretariat staff and ERB Working Groups. Special guests included Mr Krzysztof Lisek, chair of the foreign relation committee of the Polish Parliament, other members of the Parliament, as well as representatives of regional and local […]

24 February 2009: Political meeting across the Baltic

On 24th February 2009 members of ERB Council: Alexander Wendt (vice-chair of Blekinge Regional Council) and Robert Gajos (member of Blekinge Regional Council) met the representatives of the Polish Civic Party (PO) in Elblag to discuss systematic solutions regarding the self-government in Poland and Sweden. The hosts were Pawel Jankowski, the head of the Civic […]

22 January 2009: ERB Executive Board

ERB Executive Board met on 22nd January 2009 in Kaliningrad. Among the issues discussed were the cooperation status of the ERB Working Groups, 2009—2010 Action Plan draft and the ERB position towards the EU Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. The Board heard the activity reports from the ERB Working Groups which submitted applications to the […]

Online meeting cancelled

Due to technical problems the online meeting 12 January 2009. It was not possible to set a new date for an online meeting. It will discussed during the ERB Council meeting to take place in Warmia-Mazury 24-26 February 2009 between those Rural WG members present. All the Local Action Groups in the ERB member regions […]

Next online meeting 12 January 2009 from 3 pm CET

Agenda: 1) South Baltic Rural Development Centre (SBRDC) – status on the identification of financial opportunities within the Rural Development programmes in Denmark, Poland and Sweden to further prepare the establish of SBRDC 2) ERB LAG Conference including Ukrainean participants – Warmia-Mazury Region would like to organise this joint conference, discussed at the last online […]

New member of the Working Group

Mr Igor Marek Hutnikiewicz, Head of the Quality and Labelling Office in Warmia-Mazury Region has accepted to become a new member of the ERB Rural Development Working Group, and to be the coordinator of activities to promote the culinary heritage in the ERB regions. Igor Hutnikiewicz is already the main promoter of the European Culinary […]

Energy project ready for implementation

The Group is drafting a project to be submitted to the South Baltic Crossborder Cooperation Programme within its second call to be closed on 9th January 2009. The project is called LED.

Project ready for implementation

The Group is drafting a project to be submitted to the South Baltic Crossborder Cooperation Programme within its second call to be closed on 9th January 2009. The project is called BaltNet.

Two projects prepared for implementation

The Group is drafting two project ideas to be submitted to the South Baltic Crossborder Cooperation Programme within its second call to be closed on 9th January 2009. These are CeLa BaSe and DSIKE.

19 – 20 November 2008: ERB Council meeting

On 19 and 20th November ERB Council met on Bornholm. Among the highlights of the meeting was the adoption of ERB position towards the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the approval of activities planned to be implemented under the new Information and Communication Strategy. Also, six ERB Working Group projects planned to […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.