More than 40 participants from Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Sweden had gathered in Kalmar the 3rd and 4th of March to participate at MOMENTs first Exchange meeting.
>On 4th March 2010 the Council of Euroregion Baltic discussed two important EU policies: Europe 2020 Strategy and EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
>ERB Transport Working Group are now discussing a draft resolution concerning the TEN-T revision.
>The Task Force met in Copnehagen to discuss the preparation of the cooperation review process and propose a road map, to be later presented to the Euroregion Baltic Council for approval. Find out more in the notes from the meeting.
>Euroregion Baltic will participate in the South Baltic Capacity Building Project whose aim is to bring newcomers from NGO’s and local authorities to the South Baltic Programme and to strengthen their capacity to prepare, submit and later implement good projects. In particular, the projects will analyse the barriers that hamper the smooth development of projects, […]
>European Youth Information Eurodesk contact point has just been opened in Elbląg, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region. Its work will be coordinated by Anna Czerwien and Kamila Tkaczuk, members of the ERB Youth Board representing the region of Warmia and Masuria. The point will answer your questions about the European Union, travel, international exchanges, educational programmes, studies, scholarships, […]
>You can still take part in the selection of new seven wonders of the world and give your vote to one of our member regions within Euroregion Baltic: Warmińsko-Mazurskie. To do so, check this website.
>On 21st January 2010 the Euroregion Baltic Executive Board decided to establish a task force to effectively manage the process of reviewing the ERB cooperation. The task force will consist of representatives of the member regions responsible for a.o. territorial cooperation and regional development issues. The task force will also be open to other key […]
>Following our contribution to the public consultation which took place in 2009 on “territorial cohesion” and in view of the recent coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty, Euroregion Baltic was invited to present its views on the broad policy considerations contained in the new EU 2020 strategy. On 15th January 2010 Euroregion Baltic Executive […]
>The Group members met in Stare Jablonki on 4th November 2009. Here you will find the report.