It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we inform you that Johan Sandberg, President of Euroregion Baltic, passed away suddenly last Friday. Johan, Chairman of the Regional Development Board in Region Blekinge in Sweden, was a great leader to ERB, understanding the importance of our cooperation within the South Baltic Sea. Above all, […]
>The 3rd Seed money call for proposals of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 is open between 13 September and 5 November 2021. The call is open for proposals which are aiming to develop ideas for regular projects to be implemented and financed under the future Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027. The template of the ISBP […]
>The Joint Programming Committee approved a draft of the Interreg South Baltic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027. An external contractor prepared a draft report of the Programme Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Now, you can HAVE YOUR SAY! Add your comments until 15th October 2021. South Baltic programme JS Team is happy to announce that the Joint […]
>The event will be a joint discussion of five projects engaged in: green technologies and environmental protection, skills and labour development and education services for different target groups connecting and involving institutions to establish future partnerships The discussion aims to present and inspire participants on how the cross-border cooperation projects can effectively involve local society, […]
>The Swedish Institute, in cooperation with Euroregion Baltic Secretariat, the Union of the Baltic Cities Secretariat and Nordregio, invite you to a webinar exploring different collaborative governance models for enhancing stakeholder engagement in the Baltic Sea Region. The webinar aims to boost stakeholder involvement within emerging EUSBSR initiatives related to the green transition. The programme […]
>The Annual Forum of the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is the largest event of the Strategy. It brings together all the stakeholders implementing the EUSBSR as well as other participants who would like to contribute to managing the common challenges the Baltic Sea Region faces. The 12th Annual Forum will take place from […]
>Following the decision made by our Euroregion Baltic Board Members on 25th May new ERB Working Group for the Conference on the Future of Europe has been established. The plan for this WG is to follow the COFE debate, events and discussion over the upcoming months and let us all know once there is some […]
>Introduced in 2009, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) was the first EU macro-regional strategy of the European Union. Formally adopted by the European Council after a communique from the European Commission (EC), the EUSBSR is an agreement signed between the Member States and the EC to strengthen cooperation between the countries […]
>Although young people constitute a substantial part of citizens worldwide, they are not fully recognised in policies and strategies, as a separate group of interest. They play a crucial role in societal and economic development and are often referred to as „agents of change“. Simultaneously, the unemployment of youth is one of the greatest global challenges. Social entrepreneurship is […]
>We invite you to join us on June 15th for an Umbrella 2.0 webinar on the EU Green Deal in relation to the Baltic Sea Cooperation. It is dedicated to the so-called ‘newcomers’ –> small and local organisations willing to engage and increase knowledge on EU Agenda, Organisations active in the Baltic Sea Region Projects […]