
Results of public consultations on EGTC regulation

Between May and July 2010 the Committee of Regions organised public consultations on the future of the regulation No 1082/2006 on the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). The consultations were supported by the EU Presidency Trio (Spain, Belgium, Hungary), the European Commission and INTERACT programme. The main objective was to gather opinions on the […]

MOMENT Project issues second Newsletter

The MOMENT Modern Water Management Project being implemented within the South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme has issued its second newsletter.

News from Baltic-Link Motorways of the Seas Project

The EU-funded TEN-T project entitled ‘Baltic-Link Motorways of the Seas Gdynia-Karlskrona’ has recently issued its second 2010 newsletter. It contains description of activities that have  been conducted within the project so far, including an important project meeting that was held between 10-11th May 2010 in Gdynia, Poland.

First EGTC to manage Interreg Programme

The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Grande Region (Greater Region) was established in April 2010 and is now the first such organisation to become a Managing Authority of an INTERREG Programme, in this case the INTERREG IV A Programme Grande Region. It consists of eleven partners from four EU Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, […]

Local border traffic with Kaliningrad

On 23rd September in Copenhagen, Denmark the ERB Executive Board adopted a joint statement in support of ongoing process to introduce the local border traffic regime on the border with the Kaliningrad Region. The statement reads as follows: The Executive Board of Euroregion Baltic fully supports the efforts taken by the Governments of the Republic […]

Polish Position on the future Cohesion Policy

On 18th August 2010 the Council of Ministers adopted the position of the Government of the Republic of Poland on the future of Cohesion Policy after 2013, entitled: “Cohesion Policy as an efficient, effective and territorially differentiated response to EU development challenges”.

Capacity Building cross-border workshops

The Capacity Building Project is now accepting applications for a series of cross-border workshops. The workshops are addressed to potential beneficiaries of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme who have a concrete project idea to be developed on cross-border level and would like to receive support from a panel of experts. The experts will participate […]

Capacity Building Newsletter

The Capacity Building Project has recently issued its first newsletter. It contains information about the most important achievements of the project so far and also provides an insight into its ongoing and future activities such as one-day training sessions in national languages, cross-border workshops for beneficiaries with concrete project proposals and the rent-an-expert facility. The […]

Capacity Building training sessions free-of-charge

The Capacity Building Project invites all potential beneficiaries of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme for a series of one-day free-of-charge training sessions that will be held in September across the Programme area.

Capacity Building consultations free-of-charge

The Capacity Building Project is now offering free-of-charge consultations to support potential beneficiaries of the South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 in the project development process.

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.