The fourth cross-border workshop on project development within the Capacity Building Porject is going to take place on 9-10th May 2011 in Rostock, Germany.
>Euroregion Baltic Task Force on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region has prepared a discussion paper with the view of contributing to the ongoing revision process of the EUSBSR 2011. The paper presents our thoughts on the implementation of the Strategy, as well as the drafting of the EUSBSR 2011 Report, and it will […]
>On 7th March 2011 the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 launched the latest issue of its newsletter on the latest developments within the Programme. Among the highlights is the recent joint initiative of eight projects focusing on energy issues to establish an “Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources cluster”. The cluster initiative is a new […]
>Mr Mihail Plukhin became the thirteenth President of Euroregion Baltic. On 21 February 2011 the ERB Executive Board met in Kaliningrad in the Russian Federation to facilitate the transfer of presidential powers from the Polish Party and Mr Jacek Protas who held the post since March 2009.
>The Committee on Regional Development of the EU Parliament is working on a report on Objective 3 and its future agenda.You will find more here.
>INTERACT prepared and submitted a Position Paper on the conclusions of the 5th Cohesion Report, on behalf of European Territorial Cooperation, IPA CBC and ENPI CBC programme practitioners.You can download the report here.
>Following a very successful series of cross-border workshops held in the Autumn of 2010, the Capacity Building Project is now organising two more workshops on practical issues regarding project development.
>On 1st January 2011 Hungary has for the first time in its history officially assumed the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The half-year presidency, which is widely recognised by Hungarians as an important and historical development, comes at a time of serious economic problems not only for the country itself, but for […]
>The Committee of the Regions and its Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform have issued the first Monitoring Report on Europe 2020. The report, which will be published every year in December, highlights the issues at stake from the viewpoint of the local and regional authorities on the basis of its consultative activity in the policy fields […]
>According to the Polish News Bulletin, the board of Swedish transmission system operator Svenska Kraftnat has decided to invest SEK2.6bn (close to LTL700m, approx. EUR200m) into the planned power link between Lithuania and Sweden, known as NordBalt.