
European Commission to support Blue Growth through sustainable management of marine and coastal areas

The European Commission proposed a draft directive to improve the planning of maritime activities at sea and the management of coastal areas. The document aims to establish a common European framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management in EU Member States to ensure long-term sustainability of maritime and coastal activities and resources.

ERB adopts Action Plan for 2013 – 2014

At its meeting in Gdańsk ERB Executive Board adopted ERB action plan for 2013 and 2014. The main objective for joint activities of Euroregion Baltic, will be to contribute to the implementation of the ERB 2020 Agenda, and thus to make ERB an effective political tool, as well as making ERB efficient in dealing with […]

ERB seminar on Labour Market

Euroregion Baltic organised a seminar on labour market in South-East Baltic Sea Region on 25th February. A meeting, that took place in Gdansk, gathered politicians – members of ERB Executive Board and experts – members of the Labour Market Task Force. Participants of the seminar have adopted a resolution which indicates main actions for ERB. […]

Denmark takes Political Leadership in ERB

Denmark took over Presidency in Euroregion Baltic from Sweden. A ceremony took place in Gdańsk during offcial dinner on 25 February. Mr Roland Gustbée, Chair of the Board of Regional Council in södra Småland, who has been a President of Euroregion Baltic since February 2012, handed over leadership to Mr Per Ole Petersen, Member of […]

Volunteer in ERB

Ms Karolina Hołówka from Poland will be a volunteer assisting ERB Youth Board within EVS youth exchange project (European Voluntary Service). Starting in March, she will live in Kalmar for one year in Kumulus organisation. Project submitted together by Kumulus (hosting organisation) and Euroregion Baltic was approved in December last year. Sending organisation will be […]

On Euroregion Baltic in the Baltic Rim Economies

Pan-European Institute follows the economic development of the Baltic States, Poland, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and Kaliningrad region. The results are published quarterly in the Baltic Rim Economies (BRE) and the institute’s website. The review has become an important media for leading policymakers and representatives of business life as well as others interested in the development of the […]

EVS project approved

A youth exchange project, jointly developed by Kumulus and Euroregion Baltic, has just been approved. Submitted within the recent European Voluntary Service call, the project will enable a youth volunteer from Bornholm to go to Kalmar and assist the Euroregion Baltic Youth Board in its work. 

ERB Task Force on Cohesion Policy

The special Task Force within Euroregion Baltic (ERB) dealing with EU Cohesion Policy, and in particular with the South Baltic CBC Programme is currently taking active part in the preparations for the next programming period. Consisting of the representatives of the ERB member organisations and ERB Youth Board who particpate in the implementation of the […]

Labour markets in the Baltic Sea Region

Euroregion Baltic Preisdent, Mr Roland Gustbèe and Labour Task Force leader, Mr Johnny Winther Holbech are taking part today in the Round Table of the Baltic Sea Labour Forum (BSLF) in Hamburg aiming to to exchange ideas and discuss two main subjects: youth unemployment and mobility of labour. BSLF is a platform for exchange of […]

Observer at Baltic Sea Labour Forum

On 30th Ocotber Euroregion Baltic (ERB) became a formal observer at the Baltic Sea Labour Forum (BSLF) – a platform promoting social dialogue and tripartite structures and cooperation as a crucial element of sustainable economic growth and social development in the Baltic Sea Region. 

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.