
Follow-up on 5th Annual Forum of EUSBSR

The 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region was held together with the 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit on 3-4 June 2014 in Turku, Finland.

Latest news from the Baltic Sea Region Programme

The latest edition of the Baltic Sea Region Programme Newsletter brings important information about the latest developments within the Programme.

Bildt hands out Freedom Prize in Poland

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt is going to visit the Polish capital Warsaw on 3-4 June. There, he will participate in the 25th anniversary of Poland’s democratic emancipation. On June 4, 1989 the first relatively free elections after the war were carried out in Poland. This was a crucial step in the political transformation and democratic […]

Update from Baltic Sea Cluster Development Centre

Since the beginning of 2014 the Baltic Sea Cluster Development Centre has been actively pursuing new funding opportunities to further develop its cooperation activities in the near future, especially through the next generation of territorial cooperation programmes within the Baltic Sea Region. At the same time the BSCDC has been working with existing structures by […]

ONE BSR Project Newsletter

ONE BSR Project published its newsletter. Thematic scope of the newsletter covers branding, marketing and promotion of Baltic Sea Region.

EUSBSR Newsletter April 2014

The EUSBSR newsletter April 2014 issue addresses the Turku Baltic Sea Days including the 5th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR which is held together with the 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit.

Job announcement

ERB is looking for a head of its International Permanent Secretariat which provides support both to ERB political and administrative bodies. This is a full-time position requiring excellent administrative and social skills, as well as a good deal of travelling, but offering exciting international work environment and attractive conditions. Are you initerested, see how you […]

Lithuania takes over Presidency in ERB

Mr Vytautas Grubliauskas, Mayor of Klaipeda and President of the Association Klaipeda region, took over the position of the President of Euroregion Baltic from Mr Per Ole Petersen and will lead the organization in 2014. Mr Wiesław Byczkowski, Deputy Marshal of Pomorskie Voivodeship will be a Vice-President. Transfer of Presidency was the key point in […]

Portal for Job Seekers

A specially designed job portal for the whole South Baltic Region tackles structural challenges of the area. Job seekers can now find in only one portal job offers from eight South Baltic Regions: Guldborgsund (DK), Klaipeda (LT), Kaliningrad (RU), Kalmar (SE), Rostock (DE), Tricity (PL), Vorpommern (DE) and West Pomerania (PL). Read more here or visit the portal.

South Baltic as an attractive region to live and work

South Baltic Professional Project implements cross-border activities to promote the South Baltic as an attractive region to live and work in and to prevent well-qualified people from leaving. The project now invites you to on-line courses aiming at raising your interest in the national and organisational cultures of the different regions in the South Baltic. You can […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.