
ERB Executive Board and Youth Board meetings in Klaipeda

The Executive Board of Euroregion Baltic met in Klaipeda on 22nd May 2018 to discuss about the progress, the challenges and the priorities of the organisation in the coming year. The main topic of the meeting was the development of the ERB 2030 Agenda and discussion on the proposals already submitted by some of the ERB members. The […]

Save the Baltic Sea for real

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region enabling progress – but is it enough? Hand in hand with the Informal Baltic Sea Group in the European Parliament, the EUSBSR and the Baltic Sea Commission of the CPMR, SEARICA will organise a discussion on how to save the Baltic Sea just after summer break. Hazardous substances […]

ERB in the Annual South Baltic Conference

What a fantastic 2 days in Klaipeda for ERB Delegation, attending the Annual South Baltic Conference “Unlocking the potential for blue and Green Growth”. The conference was held in Klaipeda, Lithuania the dates 23-24 of May 2018 and it was a valuable experience for the team of Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, consisting of […]

Batlic Sea Tourism Centre new website

We are very happy to announce that the Baltic Sea Tourism Center (BSTC) has now online presence at The Baltic Sea Tourism Center is a permanent center of expertise for improved communication and cooperation in tourism in the Baltic Sea Region. The website addresses the BSTC network as well as political decision makers, institutions, destination management […]

“On the way of cooperation in the South Baltic Sea”

The Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic and the European Solidarity Centre would like to invite you to the first Umbrella project’s Awareness Raising Event in Gdansk, ECS, on 11th-12th June! Let’s know more about UMBRELLA:  Umbrella is a project financed by INTERREG South Baltic. Approved last November, it was officially launched on 14th-15th […]

South Baltic Programme approves 10 new projects

During the last month meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg South Baltic Programme taking place on Bornholm, the Committee decided to approve 10 new projects for funding. The following project were approved: Specific Objective 2.1. Increased development of the South Baltic area’s natural and cultural heritage assets into sustainable tourist destinations ArcheoBalt – Laying […]

Interreg comes to you!

To spread knowledge about Interreg Programme, Interact launched a new Online Learning Platform (OLP) with a rich offer of tailor-made courses ready to satisfy your working necessities. Learn more here: and sign up immediately! It’s for free!

New! UBC’s Bulletin: “Sharing the European Dream”

The new Union of the Baltic Cities’ Bulletin is now edited with important contents on immigrants’ integration. Europe is facing a huge refugee’s crisis nowadays and it is fundamental to undertake proper measures to welcome, provide support and integrate these people in our societies. Read more on-line and discover Cities’ stories and how they approach the […]

Cohesion policy after 2020?

On 23rd March, local and regional leaders of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) gathered together in Brussels with the rapporteur of the European Parliament Jan Olbrycht to discuss about the Cohesion Policy after 2020. After several discussions on shortenings in the EU budget, what strongly emerged is that the Cohesion Policy should not […]

2nd ENCATC Capacity Building Days and Youth in Action Day

Are you up for an exciting opportunity? European Projects Association is inviting students, teachers and early career professionals from across Europe and beyond to participate in the 2nd ENCATC Capacity Building Days and Youth in Action Day organized by ENCATC (European network on cultural management and policy) on 17-19th May in Prague, CZ. During the three day course, […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.