
10th EUSBSR Annual Forum: Call for seminars

The organizers of the 10th EUSBSR Annual Forum- that will take place in Gdansk on 12-13 June 2019- invite strategic stakeholders to propose relevant seminars for the event. Seminars are the core of the Forum, devolved to the exchange of angles, ideas and initiatives, and they are expected to relate to at least one of […]

Vacancy at International Secretariat of Euroregion Baltic

Over the recent years Euroregion Baltic has been developing steadily as one of the important cross-border and international cooperation platforms in the Baltic Sea Region. Acting through its International Permanent Secretariat based in Elbląg, Poland, which has been the coordinating structure within Euroregion Baltic since 2004, the organisation has managed to become a more effective […]

Save the date: 7th March “Right of access to public information” Workshop in Elbląg

Are you a young girl/ boy between 18-25 years old? Would you like to know more about your right of access to public information? Then our Youth Workshop is the right occasion for you to gain practical knowledge in this field, besides socially responsible relationships and participatory budgeting. The workshop will be organized in the […]

Save the date: 12-13 June 2019 10th EUSBSR Annual Forum in Gdansk

Circular and sharing economy as an answer to demographic changes and environmental challenges in the Baltic Sea Region   This is the main topic of the 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region that will take place in Gdańsk on June 12-13, 2019. The Forum will create the opportunity to participate […]

Save the date: 13-14.05.2019 – CaSYPoT project final conference in Kalmar

The Regional Council in Kalmar County (future Association on Municipalities in Kalmar County) has the pleasure to invite all Project Partners, Associated Partners and other relevant stakeholders to the CaSYPoT project final conference in Kalmar, Sweden on 13-14.05.2019. Get to know project results, how the CaSYPoT survey and activities influenced the situation in partner municipalities […]

Save the date: 16-21/11- Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue

Are you currently studying political or social sciences or have recently graduated? Or are you a member of a political party or engaged in a Baltic Sea Region organisation? Are you interested in regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region? Are you ready to learn and discuss interesting topics, meet new people having similar interest […]

6th Call for proposals- Interreg South Baltic

Interreg South Baltic opened its 6th call for proposals. Are you interested in developing projects in the field of green technologies, sustainable transport, skills development and cooperation capacity? Then, you should have a look HERE! Deadline: 18th December 2018, 4 p.m. CET.    

ESPON Transnational Outreach events in the Baltic Area in October 2018

ERRIN and Inova+ are supporting ESPON in organising a series of transnational outreach events across Europe between 2017-2019. Two events will take place in October in the Baltic area that may be of interest to you! On October 2nd 2018 in Växjö, the seminar will examine Economic development in rural regions – new thinking and […]

Regions and Cities for Youth

10 October, 09.00 – 12.00, at the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union (Boulevard du Regent 53 – 1000 BRUXELLES) How do we improve the opportunities for young people in regions and cities across Europe, and what can be gained by doing so? Get inspiration (and lunch) at our side-event ”Regions […]

Save the date: 27th September- one day workshop and networking event for Maritime Regions and Municipalities in the Baltic Sea Region.

Energy Transition in Baltic Sea Region is a one-day workshop, specifically designed for decision-makers and change agents that are working on regional development and are interested in understanding how to achieve sustainable energy transition in the Baltic Sea Region, by serving and using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in every day planning and concrete action. […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.