How are young people’s lives in 6 different municipalities of the Baltic Sea Region like? What are the similarities and differences and how can the data collected through the CaSYPoT project be used to inform further activities and youth strategies? Young people from Klaipeda in Lithuania, Słupsk and Bartoszyce in Poland, Svetlogorsk and Gusev in […]
>(18-19 March 2019, Hamburg) On the 18th and 19th of March, the kick off meeting by Baltic Sea Labour Forum (BSLF) for Sustainable Working Life (SWL) took place.The European Social Fund has granted the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) 800,000 Euro for this project, whose aim is to improve working life conditions and […]
>The SIA4Y “Right of information access from the youth perspective” workshop took place from 6th-7th March in Elblag, Poland! The event was organized by the Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic and brought together 100 young people! There were participants from several Lithuanian cities (Telšiai, Vilnius, Eigirdžiai, Klaipeda), the Russian city of Kaliningrad, Sweden […]
>We invite you to submit offers for the provision of National trainings, coaching sessions and training materials for the beneficiaries of the UMBRELLA project – Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities for local actors in the South Baltic Sea, co-financed by the INTERREG VA Poland- Denmark- Germany- Lithuania – Sweden program (South Baltic) 2014 – 2020 All […]
>Youth is often defined as the age group from 16 until around 30-34. It can be a time of great opportunities and challenges when people prepare for the responsibilities ahead, including their livelihood, family obligations, and productive engagement with their communities. Overview of the Euroregion Baltic Youth Strategy The Euroregion Baltic Youth Strategy was created […]
>The Euroregion Baltic Executive Board and the Youth Board meetings transpired in Radisson Blue Hotel in Klaipeda, Lithuania from 13-14th February 2019! On 13th February, the Euroregion Baltic Executive Board meeting took place. Some of its highlights included: the presentation of the Skåne Association of Local Authorities-from Sweden-as the new ERB member, the transfer of […]
>The first ever meeting signaling the start of the “ Connect Europe “ project took place in Copenhagen from 21-22 February 2019! The “Connect Europe” project aims to engage citizens from 7 different European countries in a constructive dialogue about the future of Europe and to support the various EU agendas and values. The project […]
>Only a few months are left until the Baltic Sea Youth Camp, which will take place in Hotel Orle in Gdansk, Poland from 8-11 June 2019! The Baltic Sea Youth Camp is a three-day festival which promotes friendship, culture and political awareness among its young participants aged 18-25 from the 11 countries of the Baltic […]
>The Agenda of our event is now available: Agenda SIA4Y- 6-7 March 2019 “Right of access to public information from the youth perspective” is a Workshop for young girls and boys between 18-25 years old. Organized by the Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic, this will be the first of a series of mirroring events in […]
>Over the last few years Euroregion Baltic has been constantly developing its activities as an important and active cooperation platform not only in the South Baltic area but in the wider Baltic Sea Region. These activities resulted not only in the improved visibility of the organisation but also started to deliver concrete results based on […]