
Participation Day 2019 and UMBRELLA mid-term conference in Gdańsk!

Almost 100 participants from Baltic Sea Region NGOs, academia, municipalities and various transnational projects joined us on 11th June 2019 in Gdansk to take part in 3rd Participation Day. This years event was organized jointly by the EUSBSR HA Capacity coordinators, Umbrella project, which is led by the Euroregion Baltic, and Union of the Baltic […]

The Baltic Sea Youth Camp

From the 8th to the 11th of June the Baltic Sea Youth Camp took place in Gdansk, Poland. More then 100 young people aged between 18 and 25, from all over the Baltic Sea Region (Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia Russia, Denmark, Finland, Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Germany), participated to the 3days festival. The project, funded […]

UMBRELLA project 2nd Awareness Raising Event in Denmark

On Europe Day, 9th May, UMBRELLA project held its second Awareness Raising Event. What better occasion to talk about EU opportunities for municipalities and educational institutions? These were the main focus groups of the conference that took place in Sorø, a small municipality located in the core of Region Zealand and perfect location to gather […]

Adventures of the ERB Ivy volunteers

Hi everyone! Here are Milena and Danilo, two young Italian Ivy volunteers (lost) in Poland. No, we didn’t know each other before and we are not doing the same project. Actually we don’t even live in the same city. But last week there was a very interesting event in Gdansk, the “Communication Training for project […]

Register for the IX Kaliningrad Partner Regions Forum (18-19 June 2019, Kaliningrad)

Our Partner Region invites all the ERB Members and Stakeholders to participate in the event organized by the Agency for Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation of the Kaliningrad Region – IX Partner Regions Forum in Kaliningrad, which will happen on 18-19th June. The first Kaliningrad Partner Regions Forum was organized in the Kaliningrad Region in […]


On the 13th and 14th of May CaSYPoT final conference and Euroregion Baltic Forum of Stakeholders was held in Kalmar (Sweden). Approximately 100 participants from all Euroregion Baltic regions including CaSYPoT project partners from Poland, Lithuania, Sweden and Russia had the opportunity to meet and discuss the results of CaSYPoT project. The conference gathered also several youth […]

New Interreg South Baltic projects have been selected for funding

As a result of the 6th call for proposals, 9 projects have been selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee (MC) of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. On 15th and 16th May 2019 in Palanga (Lithuania), the delegates selected for funding the following projects: Specific Objective 2.2. Increased use of green technologies in order to decrease the pollution discharges […]

Baltic Sea Youth 2030 meeting in Gdańsk

On the 6th and 7th of May the Baltic Sea Youth 2030 meeting took place in Gdansk. Several Youth organizations have contributed and young people have had the opportunity to build the future plan together with experts  on youth and cooperation. ERB was present, along with CBSS, BSSSC, ERB, Latvian Youth Council, Swedish Youth, Council, […]


How are young people’s lives in 6 different municipalities of the Baltic Sea Region like? What are the similarities and differences and how can the data collected through the CaSYPoT project be used to inform further activities and youth strategies? Young people from Klaipeda in Lithuania, Słupsk and Bartoszyce in Poland, Svetlogorsk and Gusev in […]

BSLF Round Table and CBSS/BSLF Cooperation Group Meeting

(18-19 March 2019, Hamburg) On the 18th and 19th of March, the kick off meeting by Baltic Sea Labour Forum (BSLF) for Sustainable Working Life (SWL) took place.The European Social Fund has granted the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) 800,000 Euro for this project, whose aim is to improve working life conditions and […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.