
Connect Europe EU4Citizens project event on #Solidarity in Gdańsk, 3.12.2019

On 2nd and 3rd December 2019, our Europe for Citizens project partners travelled to Gdansk, Poland, to visit us and engage in a conversation centring around the theme of Solidarity. What is the Connect Europe project about? This project aims to connect citizens and civil society representatives with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The […]

ERB & Umbrella attending the workshop for future South Baltic Programme applicants

On 11th December we have participated in the Workshop on future Pomeranian initiatives in the Interreg South Baltic 2020+ Programme organized by the Pomorskie Region contact point and Joint Secretariat. The workshop was an opportunity to discuss the needs of beneficiaries that can be implemented in the future South Baltic 2020+ program, and their readiness […]

Recent training on project management in Poland, Sweden and Lithuania

In the Umbrella project framework, we organized this month another seminars and training on project management. The meetings on 28th Nov in Gdansk, 5th Dec in Kalmar, Sweden and on 10th Dec in Klaipeda, Lithuania. You can still register for the meetings we will have in January and February 2020, they are all for free, […]


Read about our project SIA4Y  “Strengthening civil society rights by information access for European youth” both financed in terms of EU programme “Europe for citizens” (2014 – 2020) meeting on 6 and 7th Nov 2019 in Brussels.  This convention about Freedom of Information (FoI) was organised by one of the partners –  WeCitizens, in partnership with EESC […]

“Youth access to public information. Towards a better understanding of democracy”

You can now download our SIA4Y project Code of Good practice – “Youth access to public information. Towards a better understanding of democracy”. To download the document click below: SIA4Y_Code of Good Practice The right to freedom and access to public information, enabling young people to search for and receive public documents, serves as a vital tool in the fight against corruption, […]

Euroregion Baltic at the 12th Baltic Sea Tourism Forum in Brussels

This month we’ve participated in 12h Baltic Sea Tourism Forum #BSTF in Brussels. One of the panels: Success stories of international tourism cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region was moderated by Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the ERB International Secretariat. 13 November 2019 | Brussels/Belgium 12th Baltic Sea Tourism Forum SHARE | INSPIRE | CREATE Baltic Sea Tourism Forum […]

“Rent-an-expert” services by Umbrella project

Do you have a concrete project idea that you would like to submit in upcoming call for proposals? Umbrella project gives you the opportunity to “Rent-an-Expert”! How does it work? A pre-selected Expert will support you in assessing and developing a complete project application in your organisation: Providing information on the application procedure Tailoring project ideas Helping […]

New project management training in Lithuania!

Join us for the Umbrella project management training in Telsiai on 22nd November 2019.  You can register to his training, as well as all the others (in Lithuania, Sweden, Poland and Denmark) using this registration link: You can choose the training on the following dates and cities: 21/10: National training in Kristianstad (SE)- Basic 28/10: […]

Our Moodle is ready and filled with useful information on project management!

Our Moodle is ready and filled with useful information on project management and available EU-funding opportunities! You can now use all the knowledge we have gathered for you within the Umbrella project framework and wish to share with all South Baltic beneficiaries. We have a great course and handbook on project management prepared by the […]

Thank you for participating in the ENERGY & ELECTROMOBILITY cross-border conference!

Thank you one more time for participating in our UMBRELLA project Cross-border Conference with PA panel “Future trends in ENERGY and ELECTROMOBILITY in the South Baltic Region”  on 25th Oct. We had almost 50 experts from 6 BSR countries: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. We are happy to share all the presentations for the […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.