

It is now time to mark this date in your calendars and contact us for possible travel support to join the SIA4Y project team for our final conference! We will meet for a full-day event in Gdansk, Poland on 28th April 2020. Our conference venue is the European Solidarity Centre.  We are currently looking for […]

Baltic Identity Tour by the FilmNet Interreg South Baltic project

In Newsletter No. 1, we wrote about film screenings as a part of the activities within the FilmNet project  – about “Baltic Identity Film Tour”. Such shows and discussions have already taken place in all partner countries, and the Baltic Sea Culture Center from Gdańsk has prepared an Activity Report. What were the results? The […]

UMBRELLA project implementation – updates and facts

In 2018 Euroregion Baltic started the implementation of the South Baltic UMBRELLA project which aims at developing know-how capacities for small local and regional organisations in the South Baltic Programme area to initiate their active participation in the cross-border cooperation in their daily activities. Its principal activities focused or raising awareness of local actors on […]

Micro-activity on Water Management

Another Umbrella’s micro activity was organized in Elblag on 12th and 13th February. The topic this time was “water and water management” and saw the participation of a group of different institutions and experts in the field of water management from around the South Baltic Sea. The 12th February was dedicated to a presentation of […]

Our #UMBRELLA project training material available for download

You can now download from here the training material we developed in the Umbrella project framework for South Baltic beneficiaries. Click here to download pdf file: Beneficiary Manual v.1.0 The UMBRELLA project aims at building the capacity of local actors. We believe that this is the most effective way to deliver better and more sustainable policies […]

ERB is a part of the Baltic Sea Youth Platform #BSYP

BSYP aims at empowering youth and fostering real participation in decision and policy-making in the Baltic Sea Region. The BSYP will enable youth organisations to reach their fullest potential by empowering them to develop new ideas and pursue them jointly, under the guidance of the 2030 Agenda framework. The platform will engage youth at different […]

The annual report from the INTERCONNECT PROJECT

The past year was a busy time for all Interconnect project partners, as it was marked by several meetings and promotion of the project itself. The 2019 kicked-off with a partnership meeting in Karlskrona where representatives of Stena Line, Region Blekinge and Blekingetrafiken discussed one ticket solution for the ferry passengers travelling without a car […]

Micro-activity on “Water Management”

EuroRegion Baltic [ERB] in cooperation with UMBRELLA and CONTRA projects invites ERB Water Core Group members and other relevant experts and actors in the field of water management to join the lunch-to-lunch workshop in Elblag 12-13 February. Save the date and check the Agenda! WCG AGENDA

Invitation to ERB Members EU Offices and Representatives in Brussels 28.01.2020

The meeting will take place in: Brussels, Belgium Skåne European Office Rue du Luxembourg 3 1000 Bruxelles „Nordic House” Planned agenda of the meeting: 28th  January 2020 Meeting with ERB Members EU Offices representatives 9.00 Welcome and introductions   ERB in a nutshell – presentation by Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the International Permanent Secretariat   […]

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Conference with EUSBSR PA Panel in Sakskøbing (DENMARK) 25-26 February 2020

Guldborgsund Municipality, together with UMBRELLA Interreg South Baltic project partners is pleased to invite you to attend the 2-day cross-border conference with EUSBSR Tourism PA panel in Sakskøbing (DENMARK) on 25th – 26TH February 2020 (from lunch-to-lunch). The objective of the cross-border conference is to bring various tourism stakeholders that show a common interest in international cooperation […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.