
Registration to the 11th EUSBSR Annual Forum is now open

The EUSBSR Annual Forum will be held online on 20th October 2020. Registration to the Forum is now open. The speakers and moderators have also been published. THE 11TH ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EUSBSR Online on 20 October 2020Turku, Finland EUSBSR on Twitter#eusbsrforum2020#eusbsr Registration for the EUSBSR Annual Forum has been opened! Please register […]

Euroregion Baltic representatives active during the Interreg South Baltic Programme Annual Event

Thank you, JS Interreg South Baltic Team for organising Annual Event of the Interreg South Baltic Programme The panels and the speakers were very engaging and it was an informative event for over 170 participants from all South Baltic region countries. Among many panellists we had a great representation of Euroregion Baltic members, representing Kronoberg […]

We’re filming a video summarising our activities for the final conference

We wanted to call it our #SecretProject, but we’re too excited to keep quiet! This week, together with our partner BISER – Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs from Gdynia, we’re filming Umbrella Interreg South Baltic project clip for the final conference. We’re visiting our partners & stakeholders and record their experiences with our project, Umbrella tools […]

Citizen Participation through HomeParliaments – new initiative starts soon

Euroregion Baltic is happy to support the European HomeParliaments project. From September 19th until November 1st, we will together enable several thousand citizens to participate in European politics. As a supporting partner, Euroregion Baltic and Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic together with local partner commits to spreading posts on our social media about […]

Euroregion Baltic Executive Board meeting on 8th Sep 2020

The Euroregion Baltic Executive Board members, ERB Youth Board members and ERB SEcretariats & Water Core Group representatives met on 8th September 2020, again in the digital format, due to the COVID19 situation. The meeting was chaired by Mr Witold Wróblewski, ERB President and started with the informative round on COVID19 situation in all five […]

Interreg South Baltic Programme Annual Event 2020 – Registration and agenda

The Interreg South Baltic Programme invites to its 5th Annual Event! Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and concerns regarding the situation later this year we decided to meet virtually. On the 17th of September at 10 am we will meet to share thoughts on the impact of Interreg funds on small regions and celebrate the […]

ERB Executive Board meeting

The next Executive Board online meeting will be held on 8th of September.

INTERCONNECT Final Conference

We are happy to announce that the Interconnect project Final Conference on “Future of Public Transport – Trends, Tools, Governance” will be held online, on 1st October 2020. Please feel free to share the information among all your interested stakeholders and don’t forget to save the date! You can download the invitation and full agenda […]

Interreg South Baltic Annual Event 2020

This year the Interreg South Baltic Programme decided to organise their Annual Event in digital format?.?Please save the date – 17 September, 10 am – 1 pm CET – and join the FB event below to receive updated info on the agenda❗️

FilmNet project latest updates

South Baltic Film and Culture Network working together via FilmNet Interreg South Baltic Project issued another Newsletter with the recent updates on their project. From Sweden to Poland and Lithuania: Film Club Lab! One of the main activities in “FilmNet – South Baltic Film and Culture Network” project is an attempt to transfer examples of […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.