
Baltic Sea Youth Declaration

On 17th Oct 2020 Baltic Sea Youth representatives gathered for the whole afternoon for the virtual Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2.0. Their goal was to get together to contribute meaningfully to the future of the Baltic Sea Region. This was set out in the Baltic Sea Youth Declaration, put together by the young participants at the […]

Video summary of our pre-#EUSBSR youth event in Elbląg organised within the Baltic Sea Youth Platform #BSYP

On 3.10 we invited youngsters from Gdansk and Elbląg, including youth from the Euroregion Baltic Youth Board, to participate in the Baltic Sea Youth Platform #BSYP event raising awareness on STEM among youth. The EUSBSR Annual Forum should have taken place in Turku, Finland in June 2020. Due to the COVID-situation it was rescheduled for […]

Let’s talk about Interreg! Interview with Interconnect Project Partner

We present here the article from the Interreg South Baltic Programme website prepare for the 30th anniversary of the Interreg. In 2020 we celebrate 30 years of Interreg. On this occasion, we asked representatives of the Interreg South Baltic Programme projects to share their experiences about the Interreg funds and the cross-border cooperation.  Frede Danborg, […]

Invitation for the Cross-border conferences on the future of Interreg South Baltic Programme

Dear UMBRELLA project beneficiaries, On behalf of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic as Lead Partner of Umbrella Project and on behalf of the whole project partnership, We’d like to invite you to take part in a focus group discussion, a ‘group interview’ whose scope would be to consult relevant stakeholders who could valuably […]

FilmNet project – Something is ending…. something is begining…

.“ Newsletter No 5 FINAL of the PROJECT Anything that has a beginning also has the end. This also applies to our projects. On September 14-15, 2020, we summarized over 2.5 years of activities of the FilmNet (South Baltic Film and Culture network) project. The final conference was held in Elbląg at the “Światowid” European […]

#EuropeanHomeParliaments initiative

Citizens have no say in EU politics?! That belongs to the past with the #EuropeanHomeParliaments. To participate, you invite your friends or family to talk about a political topic – this time #EUSolidarity. This can take place online or at your homes or a public place. The citizen movement @PulseofEurope provides material to facilitate the […]

Support us with your feedback and ideas for the future Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-27

New Umbrella project activities coming soon!If you’re interested in the elaboration of Interreg South Baltic Programme Strategy, its future Priority Axes and Specific Objectives for the programming process of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027, please let us know. In October and November 2020 we will organise 4 online thematic sessions for the #SouthBaltic sea stakeholders to hear […]

Baltic Sea Youth Camp virtual 2.0 – register now

What: Baltic Sea Youth Camp virtual 2.0 For whom: young people (16 – 30 years old) from the Baltic Sea Region Why: Because we want to make the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region much more youthful and state our opinion on it. Sign-up: Please follow the link and get your ticket for the […]

STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering&Mathematics for youth

Next week we’re organising a small event for a few young people from our Euroregion Baltic Youth Board and Młodzieżowa Rada Miasta Elbląg focused on #STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering&Mathematics Let’s meet to learn what it is and how to make it more attractive for youth around the Baltic Sea. This event is local ERB hub related […]


On September 02, 2020, despite the still ongoing corona situation with all its restrictions and conditions, a study trip of a Danish delegation, led by Hilary Karlson and Mette Jorgenson from the Bio-Economy Hotspot Guldborgsund, could be carried out in the Interreg Project Umbrella, while adhering to strict hygiene measures.

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.