ERB Board met in Kalmar on 14th August 2007 on the Swedish island of Oland. The meeting followed the ERB Water Forum that took place the day before, gathering about 60 representatives of regional authorities, water management boards, experts and consultancies. The Board discussed the implementation of the ERB Strategy for 2007 and 2008, including […]
>Following an internal debate, ERB Executive Board agreed on a joint position towards towards the European Commission Green Paper on a Future Maritime Policy for the European Union. Please, go to: Position Paper
>ERB Board met in Vilnius following a two-day study visit to Lithuania, including meetings at the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Vilnius, at Euroregio Sesupe Office in Siakai and at Euroregion Nemunas Office in Mariampole. For the minutes of the meeting, please go to: Minutes
>Around 80 of the 120 participants at the ERB Youth Conference 20 April 2007 in Elblag were young people from the Danish, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian and Swedish regions in Euroregion Baltic (ERB). They were welcomed by Deputy Mayor Mr Artur Zielinski from City of Elblag, where the Conference took place in the restored Old Library. […]
>The ERB Executive Board today met in Elblag, under the chairmanship of the new ERB President, Bernth Johnson. A main issue was the ERB Youth Conference held the following day in Elblag. The Board agreed on a four step plan for the further work to better integrate the Youth in the ERB work and development: […]
>At the Council meeting today in Karlskrona Bernth Johnson from Blekinge Region today was appointed as the new President of Euroregion Baltic and will replace Mikhail Pluhin from Kaliningrad Region. As a new Vice President was appointed Per Ole Petersen from Bornholm. The new President presented a two-year strategy, prepared by Blekinge and Bornholm, and […]
>Euroregion Baltic Board met in Elblag to discuss the two-year plan of strategic activities and prepare a Council meeting in Karlskrona on 14th March 2007 during which ERB presidency will be transferred to the Swedish Party, represented by Region Blekinge. The meeting was preceded by a study tour of the Municipality of Elblag, hosted by […]
>The Euroregion Baltic Council met in Svetlogorsk on 20 November 2006. It was the last Council meeting in 2006, during the Russian presidency The next will take place on 14 March 2007 and mark transfer of chairmanship in the organisation to the Swedish Party, repesented by Region Blekinge. The Council discussed the future cooperation within […]
>Today, the exchange seminar has begun of Europe Direct offices from around the Euroregion Baltic member regions. The regions are represented by the Europe Direct offices from Blekinge (Sweden), Bornholm (Denmark), Slupsk (Poland), Sodra Smaland (Sweden), and Warminsko-Mazurskie (Poland). The aim of the seminar is to prepare a joint project to be implemented with the […]
>The Board of Euroregion Baltic met in Karlskrona on 3rd October 2006. Among the topics discussed were the progress in the developent of the South Baltic CBC Programme, plans for joint cultural and sports projects within Euroregion, status of Latvian participation, response to the invitation to take part in the BEN project as well as […]