News from Euroregion Baltic

2008-02-25 New President of Euroregion Baltic

The Council meeting in Elbląg marked the change of leadership in Euroregion Baltic. The Danish Party now in charge of the ERB Board is led by Mr Per Ole Petersen, member of the  Council  of the Regional Municipality of Bornholm and the eleventh ERB President. Mr Per Ole Petersen has since 1998 been an elected […]

Social Dimension WG – Action Plan 2008

The ERB Council meeting in Elblag 22 February 2008 approved the Action Plan 2008 for the Social Dimension reference network, now transformed into a formal ERB Working Group.

2008-02-15 Anniversary Council meeting in Elblag

Euroregion Baltic will have a special Coucil meeting on 22-23 February 2008 in Elblag, Poland, marking the beginning of its 10th Anniversary celebrations. The working meeting will sanction the extension of the ERB Executive Board and will be the first opportunity for the new Youth Board to participate. The special celebration in the evening will […]

2008-01-28 Board meeting in Växjö

The ERB Executive Board met on Monday 28th January 2008 at the Teleborg Castle near Växjö in Sweden. Main points of the agenda included the preparations for the ERB Council meeting and 10th Anniversary in Elblag, Poland, 22 – 23 February 2008: change of ERB Presidency from Sweden to Denmark, approval of the ERB Action […]

Energy Meetings in Gdansk

On 6 December 2007 Seagull II Energy Reference Network organised two meetings at the project final conference in Gdansk Presentation. The first was a seminar to discuss energy projects ideas among the Network members. To read more, please go to: Minutes. The second meeting was an ERB Energy Debate dealing with German-Russan Nord Stream Project. The Debate was moderated […]

Seagull II Final Conference

At the final conference, among others the results of the Social Dimension Network were presented. You can find these on the Presentation.

2007-10-24 The first Youth Board member elected

17 year-old Sebastian Bloch Jensen from Gudhjem on Bornholm has been elected today as the Bornholm representative to the ERB Youth Board, to be established in connection with the ERB Council meeting on 6 December 2007 in Gdansk (See the photo: Sebastian Bloch Jensen). Sebastian is a student at the Bornholm Grammar School, and participated […]

2007-10-10 Youth, Statutes and Budget in focus…

The ERB Board have met today in Brussels at the premises of the Pomerania Region. Main focus was to prepare the ERB Council meeting on 6 December and the final Seagull II conference, both taking place in Gdansk. At the Council meeting the Board will propose establishment of a Youth Board to become a permanent […]

2007-08-14 ERB Board meets in Kalmar

ERB Board met in Kalmar on 14th August 2007 on the Swedish island of Oland. The meeting followed the ERB Water Forum that took place the day before, gathering about 60 representatives of regional authorities, water management boards, experts and consultancies. The Board discussed the implementation of the ERB Strategy for 2007 and 2008, including […]

2007-06-28 Position

Following an internal debate, ERB Executive Board agreed on a joint position towards towards the European Commission Green Paper on a Future Maritime Policy for the European Union. Please, go to: Position Paper

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.