News from Euroregion Baltic

Review of Cooperation Priorities

On 21st January 2010 the Euroregion Baltic Executive Board decided to establish a task force to effectively manage the process of reviewing the ERB cooperation. The task force will consist of representatives of the member regions responsible for a.o. territorial cooperation and regional development issues. The task force will also be open to other key […]

ERB Contributes to EU 2020 Strategy Consultation

Following our contribution to the public consultation which took place in 2009 on “territorial cohesion” and in view of the recent coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty, Euroregion Baltic was invited to present its views on the broad policy considerations contained in the new EU 2020 strategy. On 15th January 2010 Euroregion Baltic Executive […]

Discussion in Stare Jablonki

The Group members met in Stare Jablonki on 4th November 2009. Here you will find the report.

ERB Council meets in Stare Jablonki

ERB Council meeting took place in Stare Jablonki between 4 and 6 November 2009. The meeting dealt with internal issues like the change of the ERB Statutes allowing the inclusion in the ERB Executive Board a representative of the Association of Polish Communes and focused on the energy and climate debate where the ERB member […]

9 November 2009 – conclusions

Online meetings more frequently such as every 2-3 month, involvement of more Local Action Groups (LAG’s) and more focus on concrete projects will be the future direction for the work in the ERB Rural Development WG. This was concluded at the online meeting 9/11 2009. Pomerania Region will prepare a proposal outlining a 2nd ERB […]

Territorial Cohesion & Territorial Cooperation

The seminar on territorial cohesion and territorial cooperation was organised by the Territorial Cohesion Unit of the DG Regio on 25th September in Brussels where ERB had its presentation alongside other cross-border and inter-regional cooperation structures. To find materials from the seminar, please follow this link.

Online meeting 9 November 2009

The Rural Development WG have scheduled its next online meeting to Monday 9 November 2009 from 9 am (LT/RUS: 10 am). The online is expected to last one hour and will mainly be a follow up information on the conclusions of the WG meeting in Olsztyn 5 August 2009. The proposal for a new ERB […]

DISKE kicks off!

The Project Opening Conference will take place in Elblag, Poland, between 14 and 15 October 2009. 

A case study of the South Baltic

A case study of the role of the EU, the national states and the sub-national actors in the South Baltic co-operation was written by the Lund University student, Ms Caroline Hansson. Her thesis, entitled: A cross-border co-operation in the hands of the EU and the national states?, was a result of research involving all relevant […]

No fossil fuel in Kalmar by 2030!

Region Kalmar has an ambitious strategy of eliminating the consumption of fossil fuels by the year 2030. Find out more here.

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.