News from Euroregion Baltic

European Energy Community?

On the eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the Schuman Declaration the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek and the former European Commission President Jacques Delors adopted a declaration calling for the creation of a new European Energy Community (EEC).

Energy perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region

The draft report Sustainable Energy Scenarios – Energy perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region as an integrated part of the Baltic Sea Region will be presented at the upcoming BDF Summit in Vilnius.

2010 call for proposals for the LIFE+

The 2010 call for proposals for the LIFE+ programme has now opened, with up to €243 million available for co-financing of projects!

South Baltic Capacity Building Project launches Rent-an-Expert service

The Capacity Building Project is pleased to announce the launch of Rent-an-Expert service. Within the framework of this service, potential beneficiaries of the South Baltic Programme can receive free-of-charge consultations on project development from a pool of experts.

Re-enactment of Grunwald Battle

The Office of the Marshal of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region has launched a special website with information on the celebration of the 600th Anniversary of Grunwald Battle.

Sikorski and Lavrov to EU on visa-free traffic in Kaliningrad

Polish and Russian Foreign Ministers Radoslaw Sikorski and Sergei Lavrov have sent a letter to the European Union foreign policy chief, Ms Catherine Ashton asking the European Union to apply small border traffic regulations to the Kaliningrad region and to part of Poland’s Warminsko-Mazurskie region.

European Commission 2010 Work Programme

The European Commission has communicated its Work Programme for 2010 to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

Postcard to the Commissioner

The Youth Board of Euroregion Baltic is saying welcome to the new EU Commissioner for youth affairs, Mrs Vassilliou and letting her know about the Yc3 project.

South Baltic Capacity Building Project – Call for Experts

The Capacity Building Project within the South Baltic Programme is looking for independent experts from Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, and other EU countries to get engaged in a pool of experts to support the potential beneficiaries for the Capacity Building Project.

Honorary Badge of Merit awarded to Niels Chresten Andersen

During the meeting of the Euroregion Baltic Council on 5th March 2010, Mr Jacek Protas, President of Euroregion Baltic awarded Mr Niels Chresten Andersen with the Honorary Badge of Merit for his contribution to the development of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region.

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.