News from Euroregion Baltic

Invitation to joint seminar on youth policies at EUSBSR Forum

On behalf of the Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC), Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) and EuroRegion Baltic (ERB) we hereby invite you to join our political seminar – part of the EUSBSR Annual Forum in Stockholm – on 8th November at 15:00 at Brewery Conference Centre (room Arkaden). In this this seminar we will […]

South Baltic Monitoring Committee approves 12 new projects

On 11th and 12th October 2016 in Växjö, the ERB International Secretariat represented Euroregion Baltic at the meeting of the Interreg South Baltic Programme Monitoring Committee.

ERB representative participates in European Youth Conference

Last week one of the ERB team members, Damian Ciachorowski participated in the European Youth Conference in Kosice organised by the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The 4-day event gathered around 150 members of the National Youth Board, the Ministries and European Commission representatives. They were deciding about the recommendations in […]

Sustainable fishing quotas in Baltic Sea for 2017

The EU fisheries ministers have agreed on next year’s fishing limits (TACs) for ten fish stocks of the Baltic Sea. These TACs were the first to be set in accordance with the long-term management plan for the Baltic basin that had recently been adopted by the Council and the European Parliament.

CASYPOT project to develop strategic youth policies in ERB

  The CASYPOT project kicked-off in Emmaboda, Sweden on 20-21 September 2016. The project aims at cross-border network for developing strategic knowledge-based youth policies.

Vacancy announcement at the South Baltic Programme Joint Secretariat

The Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 is now looking for the Head of Joint Secretariat located in Gdańsk, Poland. Further information on the position and the requirements for candidates can be found here. The deadline for the submission of applications is 17 October 2016, 24:00 CET.

ERB Youth Board participates in BSSSC Youth Event

On 14th September 2016 in Hämeenlinna, Finland representatives of ERB Youth Board participated in the 2016 Annual Event of the Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation (BSSSC).

ERB showcases CASYPOT project in Polish Radio 1

At the beginning of September 2016 Euroregion Baltic introduced the CASYPOT to the Polish audience by taking part in the EU Funds radio programme showcasing the activities of the South Baltic Programme.

Conference on local dimension of EUSBSR

On 15th September 2016 in Vilnius Euroregion Baltic participated in an international conference organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, together with the Lithuanian Association of Local Authorities.

Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue for young journalists

The Solidarity Academy of the European Solidarity Centre in cooperation with the Council of the Baltic Sea States is looking for 16 active, aspiring and young (20-30 years old) journalists from the member and observer states of CBSS who are willing to improve their editorial and journalism-related skills and engage themselves into the international networking process […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.