News from Euroregion Baltic

Creative Waves workshops with Wieslawa Tokarska

On 23rd April, as part of the international project Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change, Intercult Sweden held a workshop with Intercult artistic director Wieslawa Tokarska. Participants joined the event at Intercult’s office at Södermalm in Stockholm to learn more about how to make jewelry made of felt, wool and amber (stone). Wieslawa Tokarska is […]

“Creative Waves” workshop with Halina Bartoszek – Rosa

On 26th March, as a part of the Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change project, Intercult (project leader) held a workshop with its artistic director – Halina Rosa. Participants of the event visited Intercult’s office at Södermalm in Stockholm to learn more about painting with traditional rose patterns on fabric.  Halina Bartoszek-Rosa is an artist, […]

“Creative Waves” workshops by the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre

“Creative Waves” is  about building a female community, a safe place that fosters bonds and joint work. In the last two weeks of February the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre project team, together with the embroiderer Katarzyna Magierowska and the new technologies coach, Dorota Madej conducted a series of workshops at the Kwidzyn Cultural Center (Kwidzyńskie […]

Warmia & Masuria Region – ERB Presidency for 2022

On 10th March the Euroregion Baltic Executive Board met online to officially commence its work for the 2022. The meeting was attended by representatives of each member region, apart from Kaliningrad Region which was suspended in ERB cooperation due to current situation in Ukraine. This year’s first Executive Board meeting was particularly important due to […]

Webbinar: Cultural Heritage Meets New Technologies – Creative Waves

“Embroidering is not just about embroidery and cooking is not just about a tasty dish. These used to be social activities which helped build social relations and the feeling of sisterhood” Craft and digital language, tradition and new technologies – the international project “Creative Waves” combines and tames them, working to increase the visibility of […]

Creative Waves – Inspirational meeting & workshop 26 February 2022

AN INSPIRING, CREATIVE AND MOTIVATIVE MEETING! As part of the international project Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood of Change, Intercult, which represents Sweden and is the leading partner in the project, held an inspiration meeting and workshop with the artists Halina Rosa and Wieslawa Tokarska on the 26th February 2022. Participants came physically to Intercult’s […]

Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change

Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change – project co-financed by the Council of the Baltic Sea States Project Support Facility. “Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change” is a year-long project supported by the CBSS Project Support Facility. It is a collaboration between partners from Sweden (Intercult Productions –leader), Poland (Baltic Sea Cultural Centre […]

Baltic Sea Youth Platform – 2021 summary

Baltic Sea Youth Platform  is an Erasmus+ Programme project aiming at empowering youth and fostering real participation in decision and policy-making in the Baltic Sea Region. It started on 1st February 2020 and was prolonged from initial August 2022 until December 2022. Despite many difficulties and inconvenience caused by the pandemic, throughout the past year […]

3rd EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week

The EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week (EU MRS WEEK) is the biggest Brussels-based event dedicated to connect key stakeholders from line Ministries of the four MRS (EUSBSR, EUSDR, EUSAIR, EUSALP)* and beyond, representatives of EU institutions, research and academia, various sectors, civil society organisation and citizens. The EU MRS Week helps improve public understanding of the […]

Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook

Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook is an outline of the guidelines for organizing innovation camps or similar events with strong focus on social entrepreneurship. This Handbook has been developed in the framework of the INDIGISE project („Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship in the Youth Sector by Digital and Informal Education Tools“, April, 2020 – March […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.