News from Euroregion Baltic

Open position: IVY volunteer in the CaSYPoT project

Starting from February 2018 Euroregion Baltic – International Permanent Secretariat based in Elblag (Poland) is willing to host a volunteer, in the frame of Interreg Volunteer Youth – IVY, up to 6 months. IVY stands for Interreg Volunteer Youth and it’s designed to offer the possibility to young Europeans aged 18-30 to serve as volunteers in […]

Open call: Swedish Institute seed funding for cooperation projects in the Baltic Sea Region

If your organisation would like to start or expand collaborations capable of contributing to sustainable economic, environmental or social development in the Baltic Sea Region, take a look at the funding provided by the Swedish Institute.

Addressing youth issues: CaSYPoT and GaYA exchange of best practices

In the margins of the conference organized to present the cross-border comparative report and take stock of the situation, project managers in charge of the project CaSYPoT had the chance to meet Ms Greta Klotz from the Eurac Research, Bolzano (Italy) and Ms Annalisa Cevasco from the Agenzia di Sviluppo GAL Genovese, Genova (Italy) to […]

INTERCONNECT as a flagship project of the EUSBSR

Adopted in December 2017 as a flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, INTERCONNECT serves as a clear example of a change in the public transport system in the Baltic Sea Region. Indeed, the EUSBSR is implemented, among others, by flagships namely a single project, a set of project contributing to the same […]

Casypot local and cross-border reports

The conference that took place in the City of Słupsk on December 11-13th CaSYPoT was the chance to present the CaSYPoT local and cross-border reports. The results of the surveys carried out among teenagers in the municipalities involved in the project have been analysed and compared by universities. Based on them joint knowledge-based youth strategy will be […]

A report of the 15th ESDN Workshop – Berlin, October 16-17, 2017

The European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN), an informal network of national policy-makers working on sustainable development policies and strategies and other sustainable development experts, has just published a report of the 15th ESDN Workshop that took place in Berlin, Germany on October 16 – 17, 2017.

Policy Brief No. 13 published on Population Europe: addressing youth issues

Despite measures taken over the last years, Europe still faces a challenge in supporting young people. According to the last Eurostat survey, there are almost 17 million young people aged 20-34 across the 28 EU countries who are neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET).

European Solidarity Corps first anniversary

It’s been exactly one year since the launch of the European Solidarity Corps on December 7th, 2016, after having been announced in September by President Juncker during the State of the Union Address before the European Parliament.

CaSYPoT project partners meeting in Słupsk, December 11-13th 2017

On December 11-13th CaSYPoT project partners met in the City of Słupsk. The conference saw the participation of delegates representing local and regional bodies, NGOs, universities, cultural associations from Poland, Sweden, Russia, Italy and Lithuania. Welcomed by Mr Robert Biedroń, Mayor of City of Słupsk, and Mr Per Ole Petersen, ERB Vice-President and Member of the Council of […]

Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue 2017opening day: a report from Helsinki

On November 20th, IVY volunteer Domenico Misurelli took part in the opening session of the Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue 2017 in Helsinki. Organized jointly by the Aleksanteri Institute (Finland), the Council of the Baltic Sea States and NORDEN Association (Russia), the event is designed as a one-week long series of lectures and workshops, taking place […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.