News from Euroregion Baltic

Euroregion Baltic present during the XV UBC General Conference in Kaunas

The XV UBC General Conference “Building an inclusive and resident-focused city. The Baltic way” hosted over 250 participants from all Baltic Sea Countries. The UBC Youth Conference was held parallel to the General Conference, with around 70 participants from the Baltic Sea Region. Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the International permanent Secretariat moderated one of the […]

ERB members actively participating in the Interreg South Baltic Annual Event in Ostróda

Summary from the Interreg South Baltic Programme website: Sharing knowledge and learning from each other at the Annual Event 2019 of the Interreg South Baltic Programme. Over one hundred participants from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Denmark and Sweden – project partners, beneficiaries, representatives of local and regional authorities, as well as representatives of non-governmental institutions (NGO) – […]

Connect Europe project meeting in Portugal

Last week we were in Lisbon, Portugal,  to meet with our 6 partner organizations from our “Connect Europe” Europe for Citizens project discussing:– How to raise awareness on #EURights– How to challenge authorities in implementing the Charter on fundamental rights– The way forward from the existing charter to include new important rights. ​This project aims to connect […]

ERB Board meeting and Youth Board meeting in Iława

On 11&12th September, Euroregion Baltic Board meeting took place in Iława, Poland. Thank you for great hospitality to Warmia and Masuria region and Marshal Gustaw Marek Brzezin for being with us and welcoming us with his kind words. The meeting was chaired by ERB President, Mayor of Klaipeda, Mr Vytautas Grubliauskas. Klaipeda Region currently holds the […]

Save the date: INTERCONNECT Mid-term conference in Elblag 4/5th Sep 2019

We are pleased to inform you that the Mid-term conference will take place in Elblag on 4th of September 2019 (only for the Project Partners and Association Partners) as a joint event with the Warmia-Mazuria conference on the 5th of September. We welcome all to join us for the conference on the 5th, please see […]

Baltic Leadership Programme on PFAS

Dear ERB Water Core Group Members,  Please see the information we’ve received from the Swedish Institute. This year they are organizing another Baltic Leadership Programme (BLP) on Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). They are very contaminated fluorochemicals, with a significant threat to the drinking water and water systems. Fire foams, all kind of sprays,  even takeaway boxes (e.g. […]

We’re on Instagram now!

One of our goals is to communicate ERB activities in the best way possible. We also want to show you how active are our Members. And let’s not forget we all have picturesque views and landscapes in the South Baltic Sea region. So check our Instagram account to see all of that!

Euroregion Baltic at the IX Kaliningrad partner – regions Forum

The IX Kaliningrad partner – regions Forum took place in Kaliningrad on 18-19 June 2019. Among participant there were Vice-Governor of the Kaliningrad region Mr. A.Rolbinov, Chair of the Kaliningrad region Duma Ms. M. Orgeeva, Ambassador-at-large of the MFA of Russia Mr. M. Vanin, Deputy EU Ambassador to Russia Ms. A.Simkic, director of the Department […]

New YouTube Channel for ERB

Don’t lose any news about Euroregion Baltic, follow us also on our YouTube Channel!! You will find our projects, conferences and events we organized, the courses we took part in, and much more!!

The Baltic Sea Youth Camp

From the 8th to the 11th of June the Baltic Sea Youth Camp took place in Gdansk, Poland. More then 100 young people aged between 18 and 25, from all over the Baltic Sea Region (Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia Russia, Denmark, Finland, Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Germany), participated to the 3days festival. The project, funded […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.