News from Euroregion Baltic


The project Strengthening civil society rights by information access for European youth” SIA4Y was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens” 8 events have been carried out within this project:Event 1 Participation: The event involved  31 citizens, including  23 participants from the city of Gdańsk and Elbląg (Poland), 2 participants from […]

Baltic Sea Labour Forum Annual Report and online meeting

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, almost all countries have got decisions cancellation of travels and all kind of meetings, which also affected the BSLF Round Table event planned to be held in St. Petersburg 26-27 of March. Please, be informed that both the BSLF Round Table and the Conference were postponed and we met on […]

ERB at the BSSSC Board meeting

On 10th June 2020, Ms Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Head of the ERB IPS, took part in the BSSSC online Board meeting. She presented shortly the latest ERB policy paper on the Future of the South Baltic Programme with the special attention to the capacity building initiatives for the small and local actors. She also introduced the BSSSSC Board members to the series of Umbrella project webinars being organized on ZOOM […]

Join the Baltic Sea Youth Talent Pool!

Working Groups Join the Baltic Sea Youth Talent Pool!Sign-up FAQ FOR WHOM?  Everyone is welcome, there are no special qualifications needed. You just have to be enthusiastic to work with others in our region. Do not worry about your level of English, this is a great way to improve your own skills.  HOW MUCH TIME DOES […]

The Younger Side of the Baltic Sea Region

The #BalticSeaYouthCamp#bsyc 2020 was a great success! It was a fantastic opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, have fun and celebrate the Youth! Get inspired by Baltic involvement of Julia Orluk and Martin Ruemmelein and find your own way to contribute to the #EUSBSR.  Read the article prepared by Marta Czarnecka-Gallas, representing the Let’s Communicate Interreg BSR project promoting the EUSBSR. […]

Baltic Sea Youth Camp starts tomorrow

We start tomorrow at 15.30 CET. Please create your Hi We’re happy to announce that tomorrow at 15.30 CET we start the Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2020, digital edition. We kindly ask you to register at your earliest convenience so that we do not experience any delays during the event. After your registration you will […]

Get to know our newest project: Promotion of social entrepreneurship in the youth sector by digital and informal education tools (InDigiSE)

Project leader: KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS Lithuania Partners: Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic Kristiansand katedralskole Gimle Norway Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs, Poland SOCIALAS INOVACIJAS CENTRS Latvia Project duration: 1.04.2020 – 31.03.2022 EUROPE 2020 states that growth has to be delivered through a strong emphasis on job creation and poverty reduction. Social entrepreneurship (SE) is a precisely new method […]

BSSSCSpringYouthEvent digital edition started!

3…2…1…#BSSSCSpringYouthEvent digital edition starts today with the discussions on Green Deal to Fight Climate Crisis in Corona Times. ??Get inspired by Kamil Wyszkowski from Global Compact Network Poland; Katarzyna Bałucka – Dębska from European Commission; Marcin Gerwin from @Uniwersytet Gdański and Marta Wróblewska – Youth Climate Strike. Want to know more about the BSSSC Sporing Youth Event supported by the […]

“Youth for Healthy Democracy in the European Union” project publication by SIA4Y

What is important for the young citizens of the EU?✅Freedom of Information #FoI,✅trust-based democracy,✅transparency. Read more in the final publication of our Europe for Citizens#SIA4Y project including the handbook “Youth for Healthy Democracy in the European Union”, document on the PRIORITY TRANSPARENCY NEEDS FROM YOUTH PERSPECTIVE and Code of Good practice including the best practice on youth engagement policy […]

Read here the latest ERB Policy Paper on the FUTURE OF THE INTERREG SOUTH BALTIC PROGRAMME

On 19th May the ERB Executive Board met on-line and unanimously adopted the ERB Policy Paper titled “Arguments supporting the early introduction of a capacity building initiative”. With reference to: • the Position Paper of Euroregion Baltic on the Future of Cohesion Policy after 2020, adopted on 18th September 2017 • the Position Paper of […]

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.