Baltic Funding Portal published

A new tool for searching funding for Baltic Sea Region cooperation projects has been published by Swedish Institute and INTERACT.

The Baltic Funding inventory includes more than 300 funding instruments. They cover public and private funding sources from all Baltic Sea countries (Germany, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia), including the non-EU countries such as Norway and Russia. In addition, EU-wide funding programmes are included. This is not a complete, exhaustive inventory, but a “partial picture” of the situation of funding sources in November 2015. Other funding sources and instruments do exist.

The added value of the inventory is that it presents many funding instruments for the first time in English language. More detailed information is available in the original language and on the original web-sites of the instruments. The content of this inventory might change over time. It contains information from external sources, which are eventually in charge of the detailed information on funding, eligibility and requirements.


The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.