A survey from the Baltic Sea Youth Platform #BSYP

Dear friends of the Baltic Sea Youth Platform,

First and foremost we hope you are doing well.

As you probably know we received funding through the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU to develop the Baltic Sea Youth Platform together with you!

The project started in February 2020, in March 2020 a Project Assistant position at the CBSS Secretariat was established to coordinate the development of the BSYP. The strategic partners of the project met in the beginning of March in Elbląg, Poland to discuss how to continue the Erasmus+ project.

The project funding of almost 240.000€ for a period of 31 months is quite a lot, but if we really want to create a project for all youth organisations in the Baltic Sea Region this can only be the start.

Therefore, we are now reaching out to all associated partners and potential new associated partners, as well as all young people in the region. We want to hear your opinion to create an innovative, useful and sustainable Baltic Sea Youth Platform.

We created a survey where everyone can state their opinion on how the BSYP should look like.

Please think about how an ideal BSYP would look like for you, then fill in the survey and let us know.

Share the survey with your friends and everyone who might be interested in this.
We need every opinion to ensure all – young people, youth workers, decisionmakers- are on board.

The deadline for filing the survey is the 30.04.2020


We have heard from many youth organisations that they want to be more engaged in the BSYP.  This makes us very happy and shows we are on the right track.

Now we only need to find the best way to include you in the BSYP.

We are happy to have everyone on board and we do not want to assail you with information that can not be digested.
Therefore, please fill in the associated partner sign-up form, so we know about your capacity and can include you in the best way for the project and your organisation.

Thank you very much!


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Stay safe and healthy!

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.