On 21st February 2011, during its meeting in Kaliningrad, Russia, the ERB Youth Board elected Mr Irmantas Sujeta for the position of the Board’s Chairperson.
Mr Sujeta replaced Ms Elise Wåhlin who had been holding this position in 2010. Mr Sujeta comes from Klaipeda, Lithuania, holds a Bachelor degree in social work and had two years of studies in sociology and psychology. Before joining the ERB Youth Board he had been actively involved in various academic and youth institutions on both local and international level focusing on such important political and social issues as entrepreneurship or environmental protection. He is currently working at an entrepreneurial youth organisation as a project manager.
In his work as the Chair of the ERB Youth Board, Mr Sujeta gives priority to making the Board a well functioning institutional tool for ERB youth cooperation, one that could become a showcase for youth cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. To achieve this goal, he is committed to bringing together the members of the Youth Board, Executive Board and Secretariats in a joint work on the future of ERB youth cooperation. His idea is to work hard on the local level while at the same time implementing international youth cooperation projects in order to strengthen the Board and its influence on both the region and its cooperation institutions. He welcomes the opportunity to influence the youth cooperation in Euroregion Baltic as a great challenge and responsibility. He is open to discussions on important issues concerning youth cooperation, and convinced that he will be able to project the Board’s youthful enthusiasm on all activities of Euroregion Baltic.